This version of GitHub Enterprise Server will be discontinued on 2025-04-03. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise Server. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.
Creating an advanced setup for code scanning
For more granular control over your code scanning configuration, you can secure your code with advanced setup for code scanning.
Who can use this feature?
Organization-owned repositories with GitHub Advanced Security enabled
Configuring advanced setup for code scanning
You can configure advanced setup for a repository to find security vulnerabilities in your code using a highly customizable code scanning configuration.
Customizing your advanced setup for code scanning
You can customize how your advanced setup scans the code in your project for vulnerabilities and errors.
CodeQL code scanning for compiled languages
Understand how CodeQL analyzes compiled languages, the build options available, and learn how you can customize the database generation process if you need to.
Configuring advanced setup for code scanning with CodeQL at scale
You can use a script to configure advanced setup for code scanning for a specific group of repositories in your organization.
Recommended hardware resources for running CodeQL
Recommended specifications (RAM, CPU cores, and disk) for running CodeQL analysis on self-hosted machines, based on the size of your codebase.
Running CodeQL code scanning in a container
You can run code scanning in a container by ensuring that all processes run in the same container.