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Aplicación de la revisión de dependencias en una organización

La revisión de dependencias le permite capturar las dependencias no seguras antes de introducirlas en el entorno. Puede aplicar el uso de las variables de Acción de revisión de dependencias en toda la organización.

¿Quién puede utilizar esta característica?

Organization owners can enforce use of the Acción de revisión de dependencias in repositories within their organization.

La revisión de dependencias está habilitada en los repositorios públicos. La revisión de dependencias también se encuentra disponible en los repositorios privados que pertenezcan a las organizaciones que utilizan GitHub Enterprise Cloud y que tienen una licencia para la GitHub Advanced Security. Para obtener más información, vea «Acerca de GitHub Advanced Security».

About dependency review enforcement

You can use the dependency-review-action in your repository to enforce dependency reviews on your pull requests. The action scans for vulnerable versions of dependencies introduced by package version changes in pull requests, and warns you about the associated security vulnerabilities. This gives you better visibility of what's changing in a pull request, and helps prevent vulnerabilities being added to your repository. For more information, see "About dependency review."

You can enforce the use of the dependency review action in your organization by setting up a repository ruleset that will require the dependency-review-action workflow to pass before pull requests can be merged. Repository rulesets are rule settings that allow you to control how users can interact with selected branches and tags in your repositories. For more information, see "About rulesets" and "Require workflows to pass before merging."


You need to add the dependency review action to one of the repositories in your organization, and configure the action. For more information, see "Configuring the dependency review action."

Enforcing dependency review for your organization

  1. In the upper-right corner of GitHub, select your profile photo, then click Your organizations.

  2. Next to the organization, click Settings.

  3. In the left sidebar, in the "Code, planning, and automation" section, click Repository, then click Rulesets.

    Screenshot of an organization's settings page. In the sidebar, a link labeled "Rulesets" is outlined in orange.

  4. Click New branch ruleset.

  5. Set Enforcement status to Active.

  6. Optionally, you can target specific repositories in your organization. For more information, see "Choosing which repositories to target in your organization."

  7. In the "Rules" section, select the "Require workflows to pass before merging" option.

  8. In "Workflow configurations", click Add workflow.

  9. In the dialog, select the repository that you added the dependency review action to. For more information, see "Prerequisites."

  10. Select a branch and the workflow file for dependency review in the enhanced dialog.

    Screenshot of the Add required workflow dialog. You need to specify a repository, branch, and workflow.

  11. Click Create.