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Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise será descontinuada em Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise foi descontinuada em 2020-05-23. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Versão do artigo: Enterprise Server 2.17

About support for Advanced Security

Suporte do GitHub Enterprise can help you troubleshoot issues you run into while using Advanced Security.

Neste artigo

Note: When you use GitHub's support offerings, the GitHub Privacy Statement and GitHub Data Protection Addendum apply.

About support for Advanced Security

Advanced Security includes Suporte do GitHub Enterprise in English, by email.

Escopo do suporte

If your support request is outside of the scope of what our team can help you with, we may recommend next steps to resolve your issue outside of Suporte do GitHub Enterprise. Your support request is possibly out of Suporte do GitHub Enterprise's scope if it's primarily about:

  • Third party integrations
  • Hardware setup
  • Configuration of external systems
  • Open source projects
  • Building projects or repositories
  • LGTM cluster design
  • Writing or debugging new queries for CodeQL

If you're uncertain if the issue is out of scope, open a ticket and we're happy to help you determine the best way to proceed.

Entrar em contato com o Suporte do GitHub Enterprise

You can contact Suporte do GitHub Enterprise through the Portal de suporte do Enterprise for help with:

  • Instalar e usar o Advanced Security;
  • Identifying and verifying the causes of supported errors

Horários de operação

We offer support for Advanced Security in English 24 hours per day, 5 days per week, excluding weekends and national U.S. holidays. The standard response time is 1 business day.

Calendário de feriados

Suporte do GitHub Enterprise observes these U.S. holidays.

FeriadoDatas em 2018
Fraternidade Universal1º de janeiro
Martin Luther King, Jr.3ª segunda-feira de janeiro
Dia dos Presidentes3ª segunda-feira de fevereiro
Dia do MemorialÚltima segunda-feira de maio
Dia da Independência4 de julho
Dia do Trabalho1ª segunda-feira de setembro
Dia dos Veteranos12 de novembro
Ação de Graças (Dia 1)4ª quinta-feira de novembro
Ação de Graças (Dia 2)4ª sexta-feira de novembro
Natal (Dia 1)24 de dezembro
Natal (Dia 2)25 de dezembro
Natal (Dia 3)26 de dezembro
Ano-Novo31 de dezembro

Installing Advanced Security updates

To ensure that your Advanced Security instance is stable, you must install and implement new releases when they are made available. This ensures that you have the latest features, modifications, and enhancements as well as any updates to features, code corrections, patches, or other general updates and fixes to Advanced Security.

Assigning a priority to a support ticket

When you contact Suporte do GitHub Enterprise for help with Advanced Security, you can choose one of three priorities for the ticket: Alto, Normal, or Baixo.

GitHub has the sole discretion to modify the priority of a ticket at any time, and may lower the priority of a ticket after determining and mitigating the primary cause of an issue.

AltoAdvanced Security is not functioning or is stopped or severely impacted such that the end user cannot reasonably continue use of the software and no workaround is available.
NormalAdvanced Security is functioning inconsistently, causing impaired end user usage and productivity.
BaixoAdvanced Security is functioning consistently, but the end user requests minor changes in the software, such as documentation updates, cosmetic defects, or enhancements.

Resolving and closing support tickets

Suporte do GitHub Enterprise may consider a ticket solved after providing an explanation, recommendation, usage instructions, workaround instructions, or by advising you of an available release that addresses the issue.

Se você usar um plugin, módulo ou código personalizado incompatível, o Suporte do GitHub Enterprise solicitará a remoção desse item incompatível durante a tentativa de solução do problema. If the problem is fixed when the unsupported plug-in, module, or custom code is removed, Suporte do GitHub Enterprise may consider the ticket solved.

Suporte do GitHub Enterprise may close tickets if they're outside the scope of support or if multiple attempts to contact you have gone unanswered. If Suporte do GitHub Enterprise closes a ticket due to lack of response, you can request that Suporte do GitHub Enterprise reopen the ticket.

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