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Extending the capabilities of GitHub Copilot in your organization

You can add additional functionality to Copilot in your organization, by installing certain GitHub Apps from GitHub Marketplace.

Quem pode usar esse recurso?

Organization owners can install GitHub Copilot Extensions for an organization.


As GitHub Copilot Extensions estão em uma versão beta pública limitada e podem sofrer alterações. Para solicitar acesso ao Copilot Extensions, entre na lista de espera.

About GitHub Copilot Extensions for your organization

Copilot Extensions são um tipo de GitHub App que você pode instalar em sua conta GitHub para adicionar capacidades adicionais a Copilot.

Any organization owner can install Copilot Extensions for their organization, but your organization must have an active Copilot Business or Copilot Enterprise subscription.


Anyone can install a Copilot Extension on their personal account. However, if they get access to Copilot through a Copilot Business or Copilot Enterprise subscription, they will only be able to use the extension if it is installed at the organization level.

You can also create your own custom Copilot Extensions for your organization. For more information, see "About building Copilot Extensions."


Before you install any Copilot Extensions in your organization, you should set a usage policy for Copilot Extensions at the enterprise or organization level. See "Gerenciar políticas do Copilot na sua organização."

Installing GitHub Copilot Extensions for your organization

  1. Open GitHub Marketplace.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Copilot.
  3. In the list of Copilot Extensions, locate an app you'd like to install.
  4. To install the Copilot Extension on an organization with a Copilot Business or Copilot Enterprise subscription, see "Instalando um Aplicativo GitHub por meio do GitHub Marketplace em suas organizações."
  5. After installing a Copilot Extension, you need to complete the authentication and onboarding steps unique to that extension. Visit the extension's marketplace listing page or the developer's documentation to complete the necessary steps.

Next steps

After installing a Copilot Extension for your organization, developers in your organization can start using the extension. See "Usando extensões para integrar ferramentas externas ao Copilot Chat."

You can also manage the permissions of installed Copilot Extensions. See "Gerenciar políticas do Copilot na sua organização."