ノート: GitHub Actionsは、GitHub Enterprise Server 2.22で限定ベータとして利用可能でした。 ベータは終了しました。 GitHub Actionsは、GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0以降で一般に利用可能になりました。 詳しい情報については、GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 のリリースノートを参照してください。
- GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0以降へのアップグレードに関する詳しい情報については「GitHub Enterprise Serverのアップグレード」を参照してください。
- アップグレード後のGitHub Actionsの設定に関する詳しい情報については、GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0のドキュメンテーションを参照してください。
ノート: GitHubホストランナーは、現在GitHub Enterprise Serverでサポートされていません。 GitHubパブリックロードマップで、計画されている将来のサポートに関する詳しい情報を見ることができます。
About continuous deployment
Continuous deployment (CD) is the practice of using automation to publish and deploy software updates. As part of the typical CD process, the code is automatically built and tested before deployment.
Continuous deployment is often coupled with continuous integration. For more information about continuous integration, see "About continuous integration".
About continuous deployment using GitHub Actions
You can set up a GitHub Actions workflow to deploy your software product. To verify that your product works as expected, your workflow can build the code in your repository and run your tests before deploying.
You can configure your CD workflow to run when a GitHub Enterprise Server event occurs (for example, when new code is pushed to the default branch of your repository), on a set schedule, manually, or when an external event occurs using the repository dispatch webhook. For more information about when your workflow can run, see "Events that trigger workflows."
GitHub Actions provides features that give you more control over deployments. For example, you can use environments to require approval for a job to proceed, restrict which branches can trigger a workflow, or limit access to secrets. You can use concurrency to limit your CD pipeline to a maximum of one in-progress deployment and one pending deployment. For more information about these features, see "Deploying with GitHub Actions" and "Using environments for deployment."
Workflow templates and third party actions
GitHub Enterprise Server offers CD workflow templates for several popular services, such as Azure Web App. To learn how to get started using a workflow template, see "Using workflow templates" or browse the full list of deployment workflow templates. You can also check out our more detailed guides for specific deployment workflows, such as "Deploying to Azure App Service."
Many service providers also offer actions on GitHub Marketplace for deploying to their service. For the full list, see GitHub Marketplace.