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Reviewing audit logs for your enterprise

You can view user and system activity in the audit logs for your enterprise.

About the audit log for your enterprise

To support debugging and internal and external compliance, GitHub Enterprise Server provides logs of audited system, user, organization, and repository events.

Accessing the audit log for your enterprise

You can view aggregated actions from all of the organizations owned by an enterprise account in the enterprise's audit log.

Configuring the audit log for your enterprise

You can configure settings for your enterprise's audit log.

Searching the audit log for your enterprise

You can search an extensive list of audited actions in your enterprise.

Identifying audit log events performed by an access token

You can identify the actions performed by a specific token in your enterprise.

Streaming the audit log for your enterprise

Learn how to stream audit and Git events data from GitHub to an external data management system.

Using the audit log API for your enterprise

Learn how to programmatically retrieve enterprise events with the REST API.

Audit log events for your enterprise

Review the events recorded in an enterprise's audit log.