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GitHub Enterprise Server releases

Review information for each version of GitHub Enterprise Server: deprecated dates, links to documentation, and minimum recommended versions of supporting applications.

GitHub Enterprise Server is constantly improving, with new functionality and bug fixes introduced through feature and patch releases. See About upgrades to new releases.

Releases of GitHub Enterprise Server

GitHub supports the four most recent feature releases.

We provide documentation for both supported and unsupported versions of GitHub Enterprise Server. We do not maintain or update the documentation for unsupported versions.

For information about the latest release, see the GitHub Enterprise website.

VersionReleaseDeprecated dateSupportedRelease notesDocumentation
3.162025-02-182026-03-113.16 release notes3.16 documentation
3.152024-11-122025-12-193.15 release notes3.15 documentation
3.142024-08-062025-08-273.14 release notes3.14 documentation
3.132024-05-162025-06-043.13 release notes3.13 documentation
3.122024-02-132025-04-033.12 release notes3.12 documentation
3.112023-11-142024-12-193.11 release notes3.11 documentation
3.102023-08-082024-09-253.10 release notes3.10 documentation
3.92023-06-082024-07-263.9 release notes3.9 documentation
3.82023-02-072024-03-263.8 release notes3.8 documentation
3.72022-10-252024-01-043.7 release notes3.7 documentation
3.62022-07-262023-09-253.6 release notes3.6 documentation
3.52022-05-102023-06-293.5 release notes3.5 documentation
3.42022-02-152023-03-233.4 release notes3.4 documentation
3.32021-11-092023-01-183.3 release notes3.3 documentation
3.22021-09-092022-10-123.2 release notes3.2 documentation
3.12021-05-062022-06-303.1 release notes3.1 documentation
3.02021-01-122022-02-163.0 release notes3.0 documentation
2.222020-08-262021-09-232.22 release notes2.22 documentation
2.212020-05-122021-06-092.21 release notes2.21 documentation
2.202020-01-142021-03-022.20 release notes2.20 documentation
2.192019-10-152020-11-122.19 release notes2.19 documentation
2.182019-07-232020-08-202.18 release notes2.18 documentation
2.172019-04-252020-05-232.17 release notes2.17 documentation
2.162018-12-252020-01-222.16 release notes2.16 documentation
2.152018-09-182019-10-162.15 release notes2.15 documentation
2.142018-06-142019-07-122.14 release notes2.14 documentation
2.132018-02-272019-03-272.13 release notes2.13 documentation
2.122017-11-142018-12-122.12 release notes2.12 documentation
2.112017-08-162018-09-132.11 release notes2.11 documentation
2.102017-05-082018-06-052.10 release notes2.10 documentation
2.92017-02-012018-03-012.9 release notes2.9 documentation
2.82016-10-122017-11-092.8 release notes2.8 documentation
2.72016-07-062017-08-032.7 release notes2.7 documentation
2.62016-03-292017-04-262.6 release notes2.6 documentation
2.52016-01-122017-03-142.5 release notes2.5 documentation
2.42015-09-152017-02-092.4 release notes2.4 documentation
2.32015-07-062016-11-012.3 release notes2.3 documentation
2.22015-04-012016-08-032.2 release notes2.2 documentation
2.12014-12-232016-04-262.1 release notes2.1 documentation
2.02014-10-142016-02-092.0 release notes2.0 documentation
11.10.34011.10.340 release notes11.10.340 documentation

Developer documentation that is deprecated

We hosted developer documentation for GitHub Enterprise Server on a separate site until the 2.17 release. We provide developer documentation for version 2.16 and earlier, but do not maintain or update the documentation.

VersionReleaseDeprecated dateDeveloper documentation
2.162018-12-252020-01-222.16 developer documentation
2.152018-09-182019-10-162.15 developer documentation
2.142018-06-142019-07-122.14 developer documentation
2.132018-02-272019-03-272.13 developer documentation
2.122017-11-142018-12-122.12 developer documentation
2.112017-08-162018-09-132.11 developer documentation
2.102017-05-082018-06-052.10 developer documentation
2.92017-02-012018-03-012.9 developer documentation
2.82016-10-122017-11-092.8 developer documentation
2.72016-07-062017-08-032.7 developer documentation
2.62016-03-292017-04-262.6 developer documentation
2.52016-01-122017-03-142.5 developer documentation
2.42015-09-152017-02-092.4 developer documentation
2.32015-07-062016-11-012.3 developer documentation
2.22015-04-012016-08-032.2 developer documentation
2.12014-12-232016-04-262.1 developer documentation
2.02014-10-142016-02-092.0 developer documentation
11.10.34011.10.340 developer documentation

For instances with a GitHub Advanced Security license and code scanning enabled, the CodeQL action for code scanning analysis uses a minimum recommended version of the CodeQL CLI by default.

If you run analysis in an external CI system, we recommend using the same version of the CodeQL CLI. See Configuring code scanning for your appliance.

GitHub Enterprise Server versionRecommended CodeQL CLI version (changelog) (changelog) (changelog) (changelog) (changelog) (changelog) (changelog)

Minimum GitHub Actions Runner application versions

For instances with GitHub Actions enabled, self-hosted GitHub Actions runners must run a minimum required version of the GitHub Actions Runner application.

  • For most instances, the Runner application is updated automatically.
  • If your instance uses ephemeral self-hosted runners and you've disabled automatic updates, you must upgrade your runners before upgrading GitHub Enterprise Server. See About self-hosted runners.
GitHub Enterprise Server versionMinimum Runner version
3.162.321.0 (release notes)
3.152.319.1 (release notes)
3.142.317.0 (release notes)
3.132.314.1 (release notes)
3.122.311.0 (release notes)
3.112.309.0 (release notes)
3.102.304.0 (release notes)
3.92.303.0 (release notes)