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This version of GitHub Enterprise Server will be discontinued on 2025-04-03. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise Server. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Conceptual content type

People most often use conceptual content when they are learning about something new to them.

Conceptual content helps people understand a feature or topic by providing a clear, high-level overview, explanation of how the feature or topic can help them on their journey, and context like use cases or examples.

We create conceptual articles and conceptual sections within other articles. Most major products, features, or subjects have their own conceptual article.

How to write conceptual content

For the conceptual content template, see Templates.

  • Describe in plain language what the feature, product, or topic is.
  • Describe its purpose and why it’s useful to the reader.
  • Share use cases or examples.
  • If relevant, describe how the feature or topic works (be mindful of audience and the right location for deep dives into technical details).
  • Highlight any details the reader needs to know to use the feature.
  • Include next steps for getting started with the feature (whether through further reading links or content within the article itself).

Titles for conceptual content

  • Conceptual articles or headers of conceptual sections start with "About [subject]”.
  • Use a noun to describe the subject.
    • Use: "About code scanning"
    • Avoid: "About scanning your code for vulnerabilities"

Examples of conceptual content