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Using the TODOCS placeholder to leave notes

You can use the TODOCS placeholder to indicate work that still needs to be completed.

Using the TODOCS placeholder

Sometimes technical writers use placeholders while writing documentation to remind themselves to come back to something later. It's a useful technique, but there's always the possibility that the placeholder will be overlooked and slip into production. At that point, the only way the Docs team will find out about it is if someone sees it and reports it.

To prevent slips, use the string TODOCS as your placeholder. The Docs test suite includes a linting test that will fail if it finds this string anywhere in a Markdown or YAML file.


If you use VS Code as your text editor, the TODO Highlight extension is useful for highlighting instances of "TODOCS" in your files. Add "TODOCS" and other varieties of casing, such as "todocs," to the settings for this extension.


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