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Einrichten eines CodeQL-Arbeitsbereichs

Wenn Sie mit CodeQL arbeiten, benötigen Sie Zugriff auf die Standardbibliotheken und Abfragen.

Setting up a CodeQL workspace

There are several different ways to give the extension access to the standard libraries and queries from the github/codeql repository:

  • Use the CodeQL starter workspace, which contains a series of directories named in the format codeql-custom-queries-LANGUAGE. These are ready for you to start developing your own custom queries for each language, using the standard libraries. There are also some example queries to get you started. This is the recommended method.

  • Update an existing workspace for CodeQL. This is recommended for advanced users.

  • CodeQL CLI users can open the directory containing their extracted CodeQL CLI archive.


The CodeQL repository is included as a submodule in the starter workspace. You should use git submodule update --remote regularly to keep the submodules up to date, and ensure that they remain compatible with newer versions of the VS Code extension and the CodeQL CLI.

  1. Clone the vscode-codeql-starter repository to your computer. Make sure you include the submodules, either by using git clone --recursive, or by using git submodule update --init --remote after cloning.

  2. In VS Code, click File then Open Workspace from File... to open the vscode-codeql-starter.code-workspace file from your checkout of the workspace repository.

Option 2: Updating an existing workspace for CodeQL (advanced)

  1. In VS Code, select File then Add Folder to Workspace..., and find your local checkout of the CodeQL repository.

  2. Create one new directory per target language to hold custom queries and libraries, using either the New Folder or Add Folder to Workspace... options.

  3. Create a qlpack.yml file in each target language directory (the main branch of github/codeql already has these files). This tells the CodeQL CLI the target language for that directory and what its dependencies are. CodeQL will look for the dependencies in all the open workspace directories, or on the user's search path.

    For example, to make a custom CodeQL directory called my-custom-cpp-pack depend on the CodeQL standard library for C++, create a qlpack.yml file with the following contents:

    name: my-custom-cpp-pack
    version: 0.0.0
    libraryPathDependencies: codeql/cpp-all

    For more information about why you need to add a qlpack.yml file, see Customizing analysis with CodeQL packs.

Option 3: Open the directory containing the extracted CodeQL CLI archive


For this option, you need to set up the CodeQL CLI. For more information, see Setting up the CodeQL CLI.

In VS Code, open the directory where you extracted the CodeQL CLI .zip archive to create a CodeQL directory (for example codeql-home).