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Verwalten von CodeQL-Abfragepaketen und Bibliothekspaketen

Sie können CodeQL-Abfrage- und Bibliothekspakete in Visual Studio Code mithilfe der CodeQL-Erweiterung anzeigen, schreiben und bearbeiten.

Benefits of using the CodeQL extension for Visual Studio Code to work with packs

With the CodeQL for Visual Studio Code extension, you can:

  • Write CodeQL query packs without needing to check out the standard libraries in your workspace.

  • Install dependencies for CodeQL query packs inside your VS Code workspace.

  • Download CodeQL query packs.

  • View a CodeQL query pack and all of its dependencies.

For more information about creating and editing CodeQL query and library packs, see Creating and working with CodeQL packs.

Installing dependencies for CodeQL query packs

  1. In VS Code, open the VS Code Command Palette and run CodeQL: Install Pack Dependencies.

  2. Select the packs that you want to install dependencies for.

Downloading CodeQL query packs

  1. In VS Code, open the VS Code Command Palette and run CodeQL: Download Packs.

  2. You can download all the core query packs, or enter the full name of a specific pack to download. You can download query packs created by other users.

Viewing a CodeQL query pack and its dependencies

  1. In VS Code, open the qlpack.yml file in the root of any CodeQL pack directory.

  2. In the dependencies section of the qlpack.yml file, you'll see what libraries the pack depends on.

  3. Optionally, you can use VS Code's Intellisense features. For example, if you hover over an element from a library depended on by the pack, Visual Studio Code will resolve it so you can see documentation about the element.

  4. To view the full definition of an element of a query, you can right-click and select Go to Definition.

    • If the library pack is present within the same Visual Studio Code workspace, this will take you to the definition within the workspace.

    • Otherwise, you will see the definition stored in your package cache, where downloaded dependencies are saved. The package cache is a shared location that is stored in your home directory by default.

Working with CodeQL model packs


CodeQL model packs are currently in beta and subject to change. Model packs are supported for Java/Kotlin analysis.

The CodeQL model editor in the CodeQL extension for Visual Studio Code supports modeling dependencies for Java/Kotlin.

CodeQL model packs can be used to expand code scanning analysis to include dependencies that are not supported by default. The CodeQL extension for Visual Studio Code includes a dedicated editor for creating and editing model packs. For information on using the model editor, see Using the CodeQL model editor.