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此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2022-06-03. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 要获得更好的性能、改进的安全性和新功能,请升级到 GitHub Enterprise 的最新版本。 如需升级方面的帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

About your personal dashboard

You can visit your personal dashboard to keep track of issues and pull requests you're working on or following, navigate to your top repositories and team pages, stay updated on recent activities in organizations and repositories you're subscribed to, and explore recommended repositories.

Accessing your personal dashboard

Your personal dashboard is the first page you'll see when you sign in on GitHub Enterprise Server.

To access your personal dashboard once you're signed in, click the in the upper-left corner of any page on GitHub Enterprise Server.

Finding your recent activity

In the "Recent activity" section of your news feed, you can quickly find and follow up with recently updated issues and pull requests you're working on. Under "Recent activity", you can preview up to 4 recent updates made in the last two weeks.


  • 您打开了一个议题或拉取请求。
  • 有人对您打开的议题或拉取请求发表了评论。
  • 您的议题或拉取请求被重新打开。
  • 请求您对拉取请求进行审查。
  • 为您分配了一个议题或拉取请求。
  • 您通过提交引用了议题或拉取请求。
  • 您对议题或拉取请求发表了评论。

Finding your top repositories and teams

In the left sidebar of your dashboard, you can access the top repositories and teams you use.

list of repositories and teams from different organizations

The list of top repositories is automatically generated, and can include any repository you have interacted with, whether it's owned directly by your account or not. Interactions include making commits and opening or commenting on issues and pull requests. The list of top repositories cannot be edited, but repositories will drop off the list 4 months after you last interacted with them.

You can also find a list of your recently visited repositories, teams, and project boards when you click into the search bar at the top of any page on GitHub Enterprise Server.

Staying updated with activity from the community

In the "All activity" section of your news feed, you can view updates from repositories you watch and users you follow.

You'll see updates in your news feed when a user you follow:

  • Stars a repository.
  • Follows another user.
  • Creates a public repository.
  • Opens an issue or pull request with "help wanted" or "good first issue" label on a repository you're watching.
  • Pushes commits to a repository you watch.
  • Forks a public repository.
  • Publishes a new release.

For more information about following people and watching repositories, see "Following people" and "Be social."

In the "Explore repositories" section on the right side of your dashboard, you can explore recommended repositories in your communities. Recommendations are based on repositories you've starred or visited, the people you follow, and activity within repositories that you have access to.

Further reading