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About versions of GitHub Docs

You can read documentation that reflects the GitHub product you're currently using.

About versions of GitHub Docs

GitHub offers different products for storing and collaborating on code. The product you use determines which features are available to you. For more information, see "GitHub's products."

This website, GitHub Docs, provides documentation for all of GitHub's products. If the content you're reading applies to more than one product, you can choose the version of the documentation that's relevant to you by selecting the product you're currently using.

At the top of a page on GitHub Docs, select the dropdown menu and click a product. If your browser window is not wide enough to display the full navigation bar, you may need to click first.

Screenshot of the dropdown menu for picking a version of GitHub Docs to view

Note: You can try changing the version now. You're viewing a GitHub Enterprise Server version of this article.

Determining which GitHub product you use

You can determine which GitHub product you're currently using by reviewing the URL in the address bar of your browser and the heading for the GitHub website you're on.

You may use more than one GitHub product. For example, you might contribute to open source on and collaborate on code on your employer's GitHub Enterprise Server instance. You may need to view different versions of the same article at different times, depending on the problem you're currently trying to solve. plans or GitHub Enterprise Cloud

If you access GitHub at, you're either using the features of a Free, Pro, or Team plan, or you're using GitHub Enterprise Cloud.

In a wide browser window, there is no text that immediately follows the GitHub logo on the left side of the header.

Screenshot of the address bar and the header in a browser

On, each account has its own plan. Each personal account has an associated plan that provides access to certain features, and each organization has a different associated plan. If your personal account is a member of an organization on, you may have access to different features when you use resources owned by that organization than when you use resources owned by your personal account. For more information, see "Types of GitHub accounts."

If you don't know whether an organization uses GitHub Enterprise Cloud, ask an organization owner. For more information, see "Viewing people's roles in an organization."

GitHub Enterprise Server

If you access GitHub at a URL other than, https://*, https://*, or https://*, you're using GitHub Enterprise Server. For example, you may access GitHub Enterprise Server at Your administrators may choose a URL that doesn't include the word "GitHub."

In a wide browser window, the word "Enterprise" immediately follows the GitHub logo on the left side of the header.

Screenshot of address bar and GitHub Enterprise Server header in a browser

GitHub AE

If you access GitHub at https://*, https://*, or https://*, you're using GitHub AE.

In a wide browser window, the words "GitHub AE" immediately follow the GitHub logo in the header.

Address bar and GitHub AE header in a browser