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You can extend the capabilities of secret scanning to search for your own patterns. These custom patterns can range from your service API keys to connection strings into cloud resources.


Secret scanning alerts for partners runs automatically on public repositories and public npm packages to notify service providers about leaked secrets on GitHub.

Secret scanning alerts for users are available for user-owned public repositories for free. Organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud with a license for GitHub Advanced Security can also enable secret scanning alerts for users on their private and internal repositories. Additionally, secret scanning alerts for users are available and in beta on user-owned repositories for GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Enterprise Managed Users. For more information, see "About secret scanning alerts" and "About GitHub Advanced Security."

For information about how you can try GitHub Advanced Security for free, see "Setting up a trial of GitHub Advanced Security."


可以通过生成一个或多个正则表达式来定义自己的自定义模式,以扩展 secret scanning 的功能。



关于如何使用 AI 生成正则表达式

可以使用 正则表达式生成器 为每个模式生成一个或多个正则表达式,从而定义自己的自定义模式,扩展 secret scanning 的功能。

使用 AI 为自定义模式生成正则表达式

可以使用 正则表达式生成器 为自定义模式生成正则表达式。 生成器使用 AI 模型生成与输入匹配的表达式,并选择性地生成示例字符串。

