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Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise foi descontinuada em 2022-10-12. Nenhum lançamento de patch será feito, mesmo para questões críticas de segurança. Para obter melhor desempenho, segurança aprimorada e novos recursos, atualize para a última versão do GitHub Enterprise. Para obter ajuda com a atualização, entre em contato com o suporte do GitHub Enterprise.

Filtering alerts in the security overview

Use filters to view specific categories of alerts

Who can use this feature

Organization owners and security managers can access the security overview for organizations. Members of a team can see the security overview for repositories that the team has admin privileges for.

A visão geral de segurança para sua organização estará disponível se você tiver uma licença do GitHub Advanced Security. Para obter mais informações, confira "Sobre o GitHub Advanced Security".

Observação: a visão geral de segurança está atualmente em versão beta e sujeita a alterações.

About filtering the security overview

You can use filters in the security overview to narrow your focus based on a range of factors, like alert risk level, alert type and feature enablement. Different filters are available depending on the specific view and whether your analysis is at the organization, team or repository level.

Filter by repository

Available in all organization-level and team-level views.

repo:REPOSITORY-NAMEDisplays alerts for the specified repository.

Filter by whether security features are enabled

Available in the organization-level and team-level overview.

code-scanning:enabledDisplay repositories that have code scanning enabled.
code-scanning:not-enabledDisplay repositories that do not have code scanning enabled.
secret-scanning:enabledDisplay repositories that have secret scanning enabled.
secret-scanning:not-enabledDisplay repositories that have secret scanning enabled.
dependabot:enabledDisplay repositories that have Dependabot alerts enabled.
dependabot:not-enabledDisplay repositories that do not have Dependabot alerts enabled.
not-enabled:anyDisplay repositories with at least one security feature that is not enabled.

Filter by repository type

Available in the organization-level and team-level overview.

is:publicDisplay public repositories.
is:internalDisplay internal repositories.
is:privateDisplay private repositories.
archived:trueDisplay archived repositories.
archived:trueDisplay archived repositories.

Filter by level of risk for repositories

The level of risk for a repository is determined by the number and severity of alerts from security features. If one or more security features are not enabled for a repository, the repository will have an unknown level of risk. If a repository has no risks that are detected by security features, the repository will have a clear level of risk. Available in the organization-level overview.

risk:highDisplay repositories that are at high risk.
risk:mediumDisplay repositories that are at medium risk.
risk:lowDisplay repositories that are at low risk.
risk:unknownDisplay repositories that are at an unknown level of risk.
risk:clearDisplay repositories that have no detected level of risk.

Filter by number of alerts

Available in the organization-level overview.

code-scanning:nDisplay repositories that have n code scanning alerts. This qualifier can use =, > and < comparison operators.
secret-scanning:nDisplay repositories that have n secret scanning alerts. This qualifier can use =, > and < comparison operators.
dependabot:nDisplay repositories that have n Dependabot alerts. This qualifier can use =, > and < comparison operators.

Filter by team

Available in the organization-level overview.

team:TEAM-NAMEDisplays repositories that TEAM-NAME has admin privileges for.

Filter by topic

Available in the organization-level overview.

topic:TOPIC-NAMEDisplays repositories that are classified with TOPIC-NAME.

Filter by secret types

Available in the secret scanning alert views.

secret-type:SERVICE_PROVIDERDisplays alerts for the specified secret and provider. For more information, see "Secret scanning patterns."
secret-type:CUSTOM-PATTERNDisplays alerts for secrets matching the specified custom pattern. For more information, see "Defining custom patterns for secret scanning."

Filter by provider

Available in the secret scanning alert views.

provider:PROVIDER_NAMEDisplays alerts for all secrets issues by the specified provider. For more information, see "Secret scanning patterns."