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Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise foi descontinuada em 2022-10-12. Nenhum lançamento de patch será feito, mesmo para questões críticas de segurança. Para obter melhor desempenho, segurança aprimorada e novos recursos, atualize para a última versão do GitHub Enterprise. Para obter ajuda com a atualização, entre em contato com o suporte do GitHub Enterprise.

Exporting migration data from your enterprise

To change platforms or move from a trial instance to a production instance, you can export migration data from a GitHub Enterprise Server instance by preparing the instance, locking the repositories, and generating a migration archive.

Preparing the GitHub Enterprise Server source instance

  1. Verify that you are a site administrator on the GitHub Enterprise Server source. The best way to do this is to verify that you can SSH into the instance.

  2. Gerar um token de acesso com os escopos repo e admin:org on the GitHub Enterprise Server source instance.

  3. Para minimizar o tempo de inatividade, faça uma lista de repositórios que você deseja exportar a partir da instância de origem. É possível adicionar vários repositórios a uma exportação de uma vez usando um arquivo de texto que lista a URL de cada repositório em uma linha separada.

Exporting the GitHub Enterprise Server source repositories

Observação: bloquear um repositório impede todo o acesso de gravação ao repositório. Não é possível associar novas equipes ou colaboradores a um repositório bloqueado.

Se você estiver realizando uma execução de teste, você não precisará bloquear o repositório. Quando você migra dados de um repositório que está em uso, o GitHub recomenda o bloqueio do repositório. Para obter mais informações, confira "Sobre as migrações".

  1. SSH into your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. If your instance comprises multiple nodes, for example if high availability or geo-replication are configured, SSH into the primary node. If you use a cluster, you can SSH into any node. For more information about SSH access, see "Accessing the administrative shell (SSH)."

    $ ssh -p 122 admin@HOSTNAME
  2. To prepare a repository for export, use the ghe-migrator add command with the repository's URL:

    • If you're locking the repository, append the command with --lock. If you're performing a trial run, --lock is not needed.
      $ ghe-migrator add https://HOSTNAME/USERNAME/REPO-NAME --lock
    • You can exclude file attachments by appending --exclude_attachments to the command. Anexos de arquivos podem ser grandes e gerar um volume desnecessário no seu arquivo de migração final.
    • To prepare multiple repositories at once for export, create a text file listing each repository URL on a separate line, and run the ghe-migrator add command with the -i flag and the path to your text file.
      $ ghe-migrator add -i PATH/TO/YOUR/REPOSITORY_URL.txt
  3. When prompted, enter your GitHub Enterprise Server username:

    Enter username authorized for migration:  admin
  4. When prompted for a personal access token, enter the access token you created in "Preparing the GitHub Enterprise Server source instance":

    Enter personal access token:  **************
  5. When ghe-migrator add has finished it will print the unique "Migration GUID" that it generated to identify this export as well as a list of the resources that were added to the export. You will use the Migration GUID that it generated in subsequent ghe-migrator add and ghe-migrator export steps to tell ghe-migrator to continue operating on the same export.

    > 101 models added to export
    > Number of records in this migration:
    > users                        |  5
    > organizations                |  1
    > repositories                 |  1
    > teams                        |  3
    > protected_branches           |  1
    > pull_request_reviews         |  1
    > milestones                   |  1
    > issues                       |  3
    > pull_requests                |  5
    > pull_request_review_comments |  4
    > commit_comments              |  2
    > issue_comments               | 10
    > issue_events                 | 63
    > releases                     |  3
    > attachments                  |  4
    > projects                     |  2

    Each time you add a new repository with an existing Migration GUID it will update the existing export. If you run ghe-migrator add again without a Migration GUID it will start a new export and generate a new Migration GUID. Do not re-use the Migration GUID generated during an export when you start preparing your migration for import.

  6. If you locked the source repository, you can use the ghe-migrator target_url command to set a custom lock message on the repository page that links to the repository's new location. Pass the source repository URL, the target repository URL, and the Migration GUID from Step 5:

  7. To add more repositories to the same export, use the ghe-migrator add command with the -g flag. You'll pass in the new repository URL and the Migration GUID from Step 5:

    $ ghe-migrator add https://HOSTNAME/USERNAME/OTHER-REPO-NAME -g MIGRATION-GUID --lock
  8. When you've finished adding repositories, generate the migration archive using the ghe-migrator export command with the -g flag and the Migration GUID from Step 5:

    $ ghe-migrator export -g MIGRATION-GUID
    > Archive saved to: /data/github/current/tmp/MIGRATION-GUID.tar.gz
    • Para especificar o local em que os arquivos de migração devem ser preparados, acrescente --staging-path=/full/staging/path ao comando. Assume o padrão de /data/user/tmp.
  9. Close the connection to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance:

    $ exit
    > logout
    > Connection to HOSTNAME closed.
  10. Copy the migration archive to your computer using the scp command. The archive file will be named with the Migration GUID:

    $ scp -P 122 admin@HOSTNAME:/data/github/current/tmp/MIGRATION-GUID.tar.gz ~/Desktop
  11. Para preparar os dados de migração arquivados para importação em uma instância do GitHub Enterprise Server, confira "Como se preparar para migrar dados para sua empresa".