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Deploying to Google Kubernetes Engine

You can deploy to Google Kubernetes Engine as part of your continuous deployment (CD) workflows.

Observação: no momento, não há suporte para os executores hospedados no GitHub no GitHub Enterprise Server. Você pode ver mais informações sobre o suporte futuro planejado no GitHub public roadmap.


This guide explains how to use GitHub Actions to build a containerized application, push it to Google Container Registry (GCR), and deploy it to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) when there is a push to the main branch.

GKE is a managed Kubernetes cluster service from Google Cloud that can host your containerized workloads in the cloud or in your own datacenter. For more information, see Google Kubernetes Engine.


Before you proceed with creating the workflow, you will need to complete the following steps for your Kubernetes project. This guide assumes the root of your project already has a Dockerfile and a Kubernetes Deployment configuration file. For an example, see google-github-actions.

Creating a GKE cluster

To create the GKE cluster, you will first need to authenticate using the gcloud CLI. For more information on this step, see the following articles:

For example:

$ gcloud container clusters create $GKE_CLUSTER \
	--project=$GKE_PROJECT \

Enabling the APIs

Enable the Kubernetes Engine and Container Registry APIs. For example:

$ gcloud services enable \ \

Configuring a service account and storing its credentials

This procedure demonstrates how to create the service account for your GKE integration. It explains how to create the account, add roles to it, retrieve its keys, and store them as a base64-encoded encrypted repository secret named GKE_SA_KEY.

  1. Create a new service account:

    $ gcloud iam service-accounts create $SA_NAME
  2. Retrieve the email address of the service account you just created:

    $ gcloud iam service-accounts list
  3. Add roles to the service account. Note: Apply more restrictive roles to suit your requirements.

    $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GKE_PROJECT \
    	--member=serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL \
    $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GKE_PROJECT \
    	--member=serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL \
    $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GKE_PROJECT \
    	--member=serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL \
  4. Download the JSON keyfile for the service account:

    $ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json --iam-account=$SA_EMAIL
  5. Store the service account key as a secret named GKE_SA_KEY:

    $ export GKE_SA_KEY=$(cat key.json | base64)

    For more information about how to store a secret, see "Encrypted secrets."

Storing your project name

Store the name of your project as a secret named GKE_PROJECT. For more information about how to store a secret, see "Encrypted secrets."

(Optional) Configuring kustomize

Kustomize is an optional tool used for managing YAML specs. After creating a kustomization file, the workflow below can be used to dynamically set fields of the image and pipe in the result to kubectl. For more information, see kustomize usage.

(Optional) Configure a deployment environment

Os ambientes são usados para descrever um destino de implantação geral, como production, staging ou development. Quando um fluxo de trabalho de GitHub Actions é implantado em um ambiente, o ambiente é exibido na página principal do repositório. Você pode usar ambientes para exigir aprovação para um trabalho para prosseguir, restringir quais branches podem acionar um fluxo de trabalho ou limitar o acesso a segredos. Para obter mais informações sobre como criar ambientes, confira "Como usar ambientes para implantação".

Creating the workflow

Once you've completed the prerequisites, you can proceed with creating the workflow.

The following example workflow demonstrates how to build a container image and push it to GCR. It then uses the Kubernetes tools (such as kubectl and kustomize) to pull the image into the cluster deployment.

Under the env key, change the value of GKE_CLUSTER to the name of your cluster, GKE_ZONE to your cluster zone, DEPLOYMENT_NAME to the name of your deployment, and IMAGE to the name of your image.

Se você configurou um ambiente de implantação, altere o valor de environment para que ele seja o nome do seu ambiente. Se você não tiver configurado um ambiente, exclua a chave environment.

# Esse fluxo de trabalho usa ações que não são certificadas pelo GitHub.
# São fornecidas por terceiros e regidas por
# termos de serviço, política de privacidade e suporte separados
# online.

# O GitHub recomenda fixar ações em um SHA de commit.
# Para obter uma versão mais recente, você precisará atualizar o SHA.
# Você também pode fazer referência a uma marca ou branch, mas a ação pode ser alterada sem aviso.

name: Build and Deploy to GKE

      - main

  PROJECT_ID: ${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT }}
  GKE_CLUSTER: cluster-1    # Add your cluster name here.
  GKE_ZONE: us-central1-c   # Add your cluster zone here.
  DEPLOYMENT_NAME: gke-test # Add your deployment name here.
  IMAGE: static-site

    name: Setup, Build, Publish, and Deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    environment: production

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    # Setup gcloud CLI
    - uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@94337306dda8180d967a56932ceb4ddcf01edae7
        service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GKE_SA_KEY }}
        project_id: ${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT }}

    # Configure Docker to use the gcloud command-line tool as a credential
    # helper for authentication
    - run: |-
        gcloud --quiet auth configure-docker

    # Get the GKE credentials so we can deploy to the cluster
    - uses: google-github-actions/get-gke-credentials@fb08709ba27618c31c09e014e1d8364b02e5042e
        cluster_name: ${{ env.GKE_CLUSTER }}
        location: ${{ env.GKE_ZONE }}
        credentials: ${{ secrets.GKE_SA_KEY }}

    # Build the Docker image
    - name: Build
      run: |-
        docker build \
          --tag "$PROJECT_ID/$IMAGE:$GITHUB_SHA" \
          --build-arg GITHUB_SHA="$GITHUB_SHA" \
          --build-arg GITHUB_REF="$GITHUB_REF" \

    # Push the Docker image to Google Container Registry
    - name: Publish
      run: |-
        docker push "$PROJECT_ID/$IMAGE:$GITHUB_SHA"

    # Set up kustomize
    - name: Set up Kustomize
      run: |-
        curl -sfLo kustomize
        chmod u+x ./kustomize

    # Deploy the Docker image to the GKE cluster
    - name: Deploy
      run: |-
        ./kustomize edit set image$PROJECT_ID/$IMAGE:$GITHUB_SHA
        ./kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
        kubectl rollout status deployment/$DEPLOYMENT_NAME
        kubectl get services -o wide

Additional resources

For more information on the tools used in these examples, see the following documentation: