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이제 REST API의 버전이 지정되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 "API 버전 관리 정보"를 참조하세요.

Enhanced billing platform

Use the REST API to get billing usage information from the enhanced billing platform.

Get billing usage report for an organization

Gets a report of the total usage for an organization. To use this endpoint, you must be an administrator of an organization within an enterprise or an organization account.

Note: This endpoint is only available to organizations with access to the enhanced billing platform. For more information, see "About the enhanced billing platform."

"Get billing usage report for an organization"에 대한 세분화된 액세스 토큰

이 엔드포인트는 다음 세분화된 토큰 형식에서 작동합니다.:

세분화된 토큰에는 다음 권한 집합이 있어야 합니다.:

  • "Administration" organization permissions (read)

"Get billing usage report for an organization"에 대한 매개 변수

속성, 형식, 설명
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

경로 매개 변수
속성, 형식, 설명
org string Required

The organization name. The name is not case sensitive.

쿼리 매개 변수
속성, 형식, 설명
year integer

If specified, only return results for a single year. The value of year is an integer with four digits representing a year. For example, 2024. Default value is the current year.

month integer

If specified, only return results for a single month. The value of month is an integer between 1 and 12.

day integer

If specified, only return results for a single day. The value of day is an integer between 1 and 31.

hour integer

If specified, only return results for a single hour. The value of hour is an integer between 0 and 23.

"Get billing usage report for an organization"에 대한 HTTP 응답 상태 코드

상태 코드설명

Billing usage report response for an organization


Bad Request




Internal Error


Service unavailable

"Get billing usage report for an organization"에 대한 코드 샘플

GHE.com에서 GitHub에 액세스하는 경우 api.github.comapi.SUBDOMAIN.ghe.com의 엔터프라이즈 전용 하위 도메인으로 바꾸세요.

요청 예제

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \

Billing usage report response for an organization

Status: 200
{ "usageItems": [ { "date": "2023-08-01", "product": "Actions", "sku": "Actions Linux", "quantity": 100, "unitType": "minutes", "pricePerUnit": 0.008, "grossAmount": 0.8, "discountAmount": 0, "netAmount": 0.8, "organizationName": "GitHub", "repositoryName": "github/example" } ] }