記事のバージョン: Enterprise Server 2.15

このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となります: このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2019-10-16. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Setting up a trial of GitHub Enterprise Cloud

GitHub Enterprise Cloud のトライアルは無料でできます。


GitHub Enterprise Cloud のトライアルについて

You can set up a 14-day trial to evaluate GitHub Enterprise Cloud on a new organization account. You do not need to provide a payment method during the trial unless you add GitHub Marketplace apps to your organization that require a payment method. For more information, see "About billing for GitHub Marketplace."

Your trial includes 50 seats. If you need more seats to evaluate GitHub Enterprise Cloud, contact GitHub's Sales team. At the end of the trial, you can choose a different number of seats.

Trials are also available for GitHub Enterprise Server. 詳しい情報については、「GitHub Enterprise Server のトライアルを設定する」を参照してください。

If you're not sure whether GitHub Enterprise Server, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, or both are best for your organization, contact GitHub's Sales team.

Organizations with 12 or more developers typically benefit the most from GitHub Enterprise. If your organization has 11 or fewer developers, consider GitHub Team. For more information, see "GitHub's products."

Setting up your trial of GitHub Enterprise Cloud

Before you can start your trial of GitHub Enterprise Cloud, you must have an existing user account or create a new user account. For more information, see "Signing up for a new GitHub account."

  1. 任意のページの右上で自分のプロフィール画像をクリックし、[Settings] をクリックします。


  2. ユーザ設定のサイドバーで [Organizations] をクリックします。

    Organization のユーザ設定

  3. [Organizations] セクションで、[New organization] をクリックします。

    新しい Organization を作成するボタン

  4. Under "Enterprise", click Start your 14-day free trial.

    Button to start your trial

  5. Type your company name.

    Company name field

  6. 「Organization名」の下で、Organizationアカウントの名前を入力してください。


  7. Under "Full name", type your full name.

    Full name field

  8. Under "Work email", type the email address you use for work.

    Work email field

  9. Use the Industry drop-down menu, and select the industry your company is in.

    Industry drop-down menu

  10. Use the Number of employees drop-down menu, and select the number of employees at your company.

    Number of employees drop-down menu

  11. Review the Evaluation License Agreement, then click Next.

Exploring GitHub Enterprise Cloud

After setting up your trial, you can explore GitHub Enterprise Cloud by following the Enterprise Onboarding Guide.


You can buy GitHub Enterprise or downgrade to GitHub Team at any time during your trial.

If you don't purchase GitHub Enterprise or GitHub Team before your trial ends, you'll be downgraded to GitHub Team for Open Source and lose access to any private repositories owned by the organization, including GitHub Pages sites published from those private repositories. If you don't plan to upgrade, to avoid losing access to private repositories, make the repositories public before your trial ends. 詳細は「リポジトリの可視性を設定する」を参照してください。

Being downgraded to GitHub Team for Open Source also disables any SAML settings configured during the trial period. Once you purchase GitHub Enterprise or GitHub Team, your SAML settings will be enabled again for users in your organization to authenticate.

GitHub Enterprise の右上で、プロフィール画像をクリックし、続いて [Your profile(あなたのプロフィール)] をクリックします。 プロフィール画像

  1. プロフィールページの左側で、[Organizations] の下にある Organization のアイコンをクリックしてください。

    Organization のアイコン

  2. Organization 名の下で、 [Settings] をクリックします。

    Organization の設定ボタン

  3. OrganizationのSettings(設定)サイドバーで Billing(支払い) をクリックしてください。


  4. Under "GitHub Enterprise Cloud Free Trial", click Buy Enterprise or Downgrade to Team.

    Buy Enterprise and Downgrade to Team buttons

  5. Follow the prompts to enter your payment method, then click Submit.



