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ドキュメントには� �繁に更新が� えられ、その都度公開されています。本ページの翻訳はま� 未完成な部分があることをご了承く� さい。最新の情� �については、英語のドキュメンテーションをご参照く� さい。本ページの翻訳に問題がある� �合はこちらまでご連絡く� さい。

このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2022-06-03. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの改善、新機能のためには、最新バージョンのGitHub Enterpriseにアップグレードしてく� さい。 アップグレードに関する支援については、GitHub Enterprise supportに連絡してく� さい。

GitHub Mobile

Triage, collaborate, and manage your work on GitHub Enterprise Server from your mobile device.

About GitHub Mobile

GitHub Mobileは、Android及びiOSアプリケーションとして利用できます。

GitHub Mobile gives you a way to do high-impact work on GitHub Enterprise Server quickly and from anywhere. GitHub Mobile is a safe and secure way to access your GitHub Enterprise Server data through a trusted, first-party client application.

With GitHub Mobile you can:

  • Manage, triage, and clear notifications
  • Read, review, and collaborate on issues and pull requests
  • Search for, browse, and interact with users, repositories, and organizations
  • Receive a push notification when someone mentions your username

For more information about notifications for GitHub Mobile, see "Configuring notifications."

Installing GitHub Mobile

To install GitHub Mobile for Android or iOS, see GitHub Mobile.

Managing accounts

You can be simultaneously signed into mobile with one personal account on and one personal account on GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information about our different products, see "GitHub's products."

GitHub Enterprise Serverは、ユーザの情� �をサードパーティのサービスに送信することなくプッシュ通知をサポートするためにバックグラウンドフェッチを使用するので、プッシュ通知の受信に遅延が生じることがあります。

GitHub Mobile may not work with your enterprise if you're required to access your enterprise over VPN.


You must install GitHub Mobile 1.4 or later on your device to use GitHub Mobile with GitHub Enterprise Server.

To use GitHub Mobile with GitHub Enterprise Server, GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス must be version 3.0 or greater, and your enterprise owner must enable mobile support for your enterprise. For more information, see "Release notes" and "Managing GitHub Mobile for your enterprise."

During the beta for GitHub Mobile with GitHub Enterprise Server, you must be signed in with a personal account on

Adding, switching, or signing out of accounts

You can sign into mobile with a personal account on GitHub Enterprise Server. At the bottom of the app, long-press Profile, then tap Add Enterprise Account. Follow the prompts to sign in.

After you sign into mobile with a personal account on GitHub Enterprise Server, you can switch between the account and your account on At the bottom of the app, long-press Profile, then tap the account you want to switch to.

If you no longer need to access data for your personal account on GitHub Enterprise Server from GitHub Mobile, you can sign out of the account. At the bottom of the app, long-press Profile, swipe left on the account to sign out of, then tap Sign out.

Supported languages for GitHub Mobile

GitHub Mobile is available in the following languages.

  • English
  • Japanese
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Spanish

If you configure the language on your device to a supported language, GitHub Mobile will default to the language. You can change the language for GitHub Mobile in GitHub Mobile's Settings menu.

GitHub Mobile automatically enables Universal Links for iOS. When you tap any GitHub Enterprise Server link, the destination URL will open in GitHub Mobile instead of Safari. For more information, see Universal Links on the Apple Developer site.

To disable Universal Links, long-press any GitHub Enterprise Server link, then tap Open. Every time you tap a GitHub Enterprise Server link in the future, the destination URL will open in Safari instead of GitHub Mobile.

To re-enable Universal Links, long-press any GitHub Enterprise Server link, then tap Open in GitHub.

Sharing feedback

If you find a bug in GitHub Mobile, you can email us at

You can submit feature requests or other feedback for GitHub Mobile on GitHub Discussions.

Opting out of beta releases for iOS

If you're testing a beta release of GitHub Mobile for iOS using TestFlight, you can leave the beta at any time.

  1. On your iOS device, open the TestFlight app.
  2. Under "Apps", tap GitHub.
  3. At the bottom of the page, tap Stop Testing.