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L’API REST est maintenant versionnée. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « À propos des versions de l’API ».

Points de terminaison d’API REST pour les règles

Utilisez l’API REST pour gérer les ensembles de règles pour les référentiels. Les ensembles de règles contrôlent la façon dont les utilisateurs peuvent interagir avec les branches et les étiquettes sélectionnées dans un dépôt.

Get rules for a branch

Returns all active rules that apply to the specified branch. The branch does not need to exist; rules that would apply to a branch with that name will be returned. All active rules that apply will be returned, regardless of the level at which they are configured (e.g. repository or organization). Rules in rulesets with "evaluate" or "disabled" enforcement statuses are not returned.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Get rules for a branch »

Ce point de terminaison fonctionne avec les types de jetons précis suivants:

Le jeton précis doit avoir l’ensemble d’autorisations suivant:

  • "Metadata" repository permissions (read)

Ce point de terminaison peut être utilisé sans authentification ou sans les autorisations mentionnées ci-dessus si seules les ressources publiques sont demandées.

Paramètres pour « Get rules for a branch »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
owner string Obligatoire

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string Obligatoire

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

branch string Obligatoire

The name of the branch. Cannot contain wildcard characters. To use wildcard characters in branch names, use the GraphQL API.

Paramètres de requête
Nom, Type, Description
per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 30

page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 1

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Get rules for a branch »

Code d’étatDescription


Exemples de code pour « Get rules for a branch »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/rules/branches/BRANCH


Status: 200
[ { "type": "commit_message_pattern", "ruleset_source_type": "Repository", "ruleset_source": "monalisa/my-repo", "ruleset_id": 42, "parameters": { "operator": "starts_with", "pattern": "issue" } }, { "type": "commit_author_email_pattern", "ruleset_source_type": "Organization", "ruleset_source": "my-org", "ruleset_id": 73, "parameters": { "operator": "contains", "pattern": "github" } } ]

Get all repository rulesets

Get all the rulesets for a repository.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Get all repository rulesets »

Ce point de terminaison fonctionne avec les types de jetons précis suivants:

Le jeton précis doit avoir l’ensemble d’autorisations suivant:

  • "Metadata" repository permissions (read)

Ce point de terminaison peut être utilisé sans authentification ou sans les autorisations mentionnées ci-dessus si seules les ressources publiques sont demandées.

Paramètres pour « Get all repository rulesets »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
owner string Obligatoire

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string Obligatoire

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

Paramètres de requête
Nom, Type, Description
per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 30

page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 1

includes_parents boolean

Include rulesets configured at higher levels that apply to this repository

Default: true

targets string

A comma-separated list of rule targets to filter by. If provided, only rulesets that apply to the specified targets will be returned. For example, branch,tag,push.

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Get all repository rulesets »

Code d’étatDescription



Resource not found


Internal Error

Exemples de code pour « Get all repository rulesets »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/rulesets


Status: 200
[ { "id": 42, "name": "super cool ruleset", "source_type": "Repository", "source": "monalisa/my-repo", "enforcement": "enabled", "node_id": "RRS_lACkVXNlcgQB", "_links": { "self": { "href": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/monalisa/my-repo/rulesets/42" }, "html": { "href": "" } }, "created_at": "2023-07-15T08:43:03Z", "updated_at": "2023-08-23T16:29:47Z" }, { "id": 314, "name": "Another ruleset", "source_type": "Repository", "source": "monalisa/my-repo", "enforcement": "enabled", "node_id": "RRS_lACkVXNlcgQQ", "_links": { "self": { "href": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/monalisa/my-repo/rulesets/314" }, "html": { "href": "" } }, "created_at": "2023-08-15T08:43:03Z", "updated_at": "2023-09-23T16:29:47Z" } ]

Create a repository ruleset

Create a ruleset for a repository.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Create a repository ruleset »

Ce point de terminaison fonctionne avec les types de jetons précis suivants:

Le jeton précis doit avoir l’ensemble d’autorisations suivant:

  • "Administration" repository permissions (write)

Paramètres pour « Create a repository ruleset »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
owner string Obligatoire

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string Obligatoire

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

Paramètres du corps
Nom, Type, Description
name string Obligatoire

The name of the ruleset.

target string

The target of the ruleset

Default: branch

Peut être: branch, tag, push

enforcement string Obligatoire

The enforcement level of the ruleset. evaluate allows admins to test rules before enforcing them. Admins can view insights on the Rule Insights page. evaluate is not available for the repository target.

Peut être: disabled, active, evaluate

bypass_actors array of objects

The actors that can bypass the rules in this ruleset

Nom, Type, Description
actor_id integer or null

The ID of the actor that can bypass a ruleset. If actor_type is OrganizationAdmin, this should be 1. If actor_type is DeployKey, this should be null. OrganizationAdmin is not applicable for personal repositories.

actor_type string Obligatoire

The type of actor that can bypass a ruleset

Peut être: Integration, OrganizationAdmin, RepositoryRole, Team, DeployKey

bypass_mode string

When the specified actor can bypass the ruleset. pull_request means that an actor can only bypass rules on pull requests. pull_request is not applicable for the DeployKey actor type. Also, pull_request is only applicable to branch rulesets.

Default: always

Peut être: always, pull_request

conditions object

Parameters for a repository ruleset ref name condition

Nom, Type, Description
ref_name object
Nom, Type, Description
include array of strings

Array of ref names or patterns to include. One of these patterns must match for the condition to pass. Also accepts ~DEFAULT_BRANCH to include the default branch or ~ALL to include all branches.

exclude array of strings

Array of ref names or patterns to exclude. The condition will not pass if any of these patterns match.

rules array of objects

An array of rules within the ruleset.

Nom, Type, Description
creation object Obligatoire

Only allow users with bypass permission to create matching refs.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: creation

update object Obligatoire

Only allow users with bypass permission to update matching refs.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: update

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
update_allows_fetch_and_merge boolean Obligatoire

Branch can pull changes from its upstream repository

deletion object Obligatoire

Only allow users with bypass permissions to delete matching refs.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: deletion

required_linear_history object Obligatoire

Prevent merge commits from being pushed to matching refs.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: required_linear_history

merge_queue object Obligatoire

Merges must be performed via a merge queue.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: merge_queue

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
check_response_timeout_minutes integer Obligatoire

Maximum time for a required status check to report a conclusion. After this much time has elapsed, checks that have not reported a conclusion will be assumed to have failed

grouping_strategy string Obligatoire

When set to ALLGREEN, the merge commit created by merge queue for each PR in the group must pass all required checks to merge. When set to HEADGREEN, only the commit at the head of the merge group, i.e. the commit containing changes from all of the PRs in the group, must pass its required checks to merge.


max_entries_to_build integer Obligatoire

Limit the number of queued pull requests requesting checks and workflow runs at the same time.

max_entries_to_merge integer Obligatoire

The maximum number of PRs that will be merged together in a group.

merge_method string Obligatoire

Method to use when merging changes from queued pull requests.


min_entries_to_merge integer Obligatoire

The minimum number of PRs that will be merged together in a group.

min_entries_to_merge_wait_minutes integer Obligatoire

The time merge queue should wait after the first PR is added to the queue for the minimum group size to be met. After this time has elapsed, the minimum group size will be ignored and a smaller group will be merged.

required_deployments object Obligatoire

Choose which environments must be successfully deployed to before refs can be pushed into a ref that matches this rule.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: required_deployments

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
required_deployment_environments array of strings Obligatoire

The environments that must be successfully deployed to before branches can be merged.

required_signatures object Obligatoire

Commits pushed to matching refs must have verified signatures.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: required_signatures

pull_request object Obligatoire

Require all commits be made to a non-target branch and submitted via a pull request before they can be merged.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: pull_request

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
allowed_merge_methods array of strings

Array of allowed merge methods. Allowed values include merge, squash, and rebase. At least one option must be enabled.

dismiss_stale_reviews_on_push boolean Obligatoire

New, reviewable commits pushed will dismiss previous pull request review approvals.

require_code_owner_review boolean Obligatoire

Require an approving review in pull requests that modify files that have a designated code owner.

require_last_push_approval boolean Obligatoire

Whether the most recent reviewable push must be approved by someone other than the person who pushed it.

required_approving_review_count integer Obligatoire

The number of approving reviews that are required before a pull request can be merged.

required_review_thread_resolution boolean Obligatoire

All conversations on code must be resolved before a pull request can be merged.

required_status_checks object Obligatoire

Choose which status checks must pass before the ref is updated. When enabled, commits must first be pushed to another ref where the checks pass.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: required_status_checks

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
do_not_enforce_on_create boolean

Allow repositories and branches to be created if a check would otherwise prohibit it.

required_status_checks array of objects Obligatoire

Status checks that are required.

Nom, Type, Description
context string Obligatoire

The status check context name that must be present on the commit.

integration_id integer

The optional integration ID that this status check must originate from.

strict_required_status_checks_policy boolean Obligatoire

Whether pull requests targeting a matching branch must be tested with the latest code. This setting will not take effect unless at least one status check is enabled.

non_fast_forward object Obligatoire

Prevent users with push access from force pushing to refs.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: non_fast_forward

commit_message_pattern object Obligatoire

Parameters to be used for the commit_message_pattern rule

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: commit_message_pattern

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
name string

How this rule will appear to users.

negate boolean

If true, the rule will fail if the pattern matches.

operator string Obligatoire

The operator to use for matching.

Peut être: starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex

pattern string Obligatoire

The pattern to match with.

commit_author_email_pattern object Obligatoire

Parameters to be used for the commit_author_email_pattern rule

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: commit_author_email_pattern

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
name string

How this rule will appear to users.

negate boolean

If true, the rule will fail if the pattern matches.

operator string Obligatoire

The operator to use for matching.

Peut être: starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex

pattern string Obligatoire

The pattern to match with.

committer_email_pattern object Obligatoire

Parameters to be used for the committer_email_pattern rule

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: committer_email_pattern

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
name string

How this rule will appear to users.

negate boolean

If true, the rule will fail if the pattern matches.

operator string Obligatoire

The operator to use for matching.

Peut être: starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex

pattern string Obligatoire

The pattern to match with.

branch_name_pattern object Obligatoire

Parameters to be used for the branch_name_pattern rule

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: branch_name_pattern

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
name string

How this rule will appear to users.

negate boolean

If true, the rule will fail if the pattern matches.

operator string Obligatoire

The operator to use for matching.

Peut être: starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex

pattern string Obligatoire

The pattern to match with.

tag_name_pattern object Obligatoire

Parameters to be used for the tag_name_pattern rule

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: tag_name_pattern

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
name string

How this rule will appear to users.

negate boolean

If true, the rule will fail if the pattern matches.

operator string Obligatoire

The operator to use for matching.

Peut être: starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex

pattern string Obligatoire

The pattern to match with.

workflows object Obligatoire

Require all changes made to a targeted branch to pass the specified workflows before they can be merged.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: workflows

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
do_not_enforce_on_create boolean

Allow repositories and branches to be created if a check would otherwise prohibit it.

workflows array of objects Obligatoire

Workflows that must pass for this rule to pass.

Nom, Type, Description
path string Obligatoire

The path to the workflow file

ref string

The ref (branch or tag) of the workflow file to use

repository_id integer Obligatoire

The ID of the repository where the workflow is defined

sha string

The commit SHA of the workflow file to use

code_scanning object Obligatoire

Choose which tools must provide code scanning results before the reference is updated. When configured, code scanning must be enabled and have results for both the commit and the reference being updated.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: code_scanning

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
code_scanning_tools array of objects Obligatoire

Tools that must provide code scanning results for this rule to pass.

Nom, Type, Description
alerts_threshold string Obligatoire

The severity level at which code scanning results that raise alerts block a reference update. For more information on alert severity levels, see "About code scanning alerts."

Peut être: none, errors, errors_and_warnings, all

security_alerts_threshold string Obligatoire

The severity level at which code scanning results that raise security alerts block a reference update. For more information on security severity levels, see "About code scanning alerts."

Peut être: none, critical, high_or_higher, medium_or_higher, all

tool string Obligatoire

The name of a code scanning tool

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Create a repository ruleset »

Code d’étatDescription



Resource not found


Internal Error

Exemples de code pour « Create a repository ruleset »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/rulesets \ -d '{"name":"super cool ruleset","target":"branch","enforcement":"active","bypass_actors":[{"actor_id":234,"actor_type":"Team","bypass_mode":"always"}],"conditions":{"ref_name":{"include":["refs/heads/main","refs/heads/master"],"exclude":["refs/heads/dev*"]}},"rules":[{"type":"commit_author_email_pattern","parameters":{"operator":"contains","pattern":"github"}}]}'


Status: 201
{ "id": 42, "name": "super cool ruleset", "target": "branch", "source_type": "Repository", "source": "monalisa/my-repo", "enforcement": "active", "bypass_actors": [ { "actor_id": 234, "actor_type": "Team", "bypass_mode": "always" } ], "conditions": { "ref_name": { "include": [ "refs/heads/main", "refs/heads/master" ], "exclude": [ "refs/heads/dev*" ] } }, "rules": [ { "type": "commit_author_email_pattern", "parameters": { "operator": "contains", "pattern": "github" } } ], "node_id": "RRS_lACkVXNlcgQB", "_links": { "self": { "href": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/monalisa/my-repo/rulesets/42" }, "html": { "href": "" } }, "created_at": "2023-07-15T08:43:03Z", "updated_at": "2023-08-23T16:29:47Z" }

Get a repository ruleset

Get a ruleset for a repository.

Note: To prevent leaking sensitive information, the bypass_actors property is only returned if the user making the API request has write access to the ruleset.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Get a repository ruleset »

Ce point de terminaison fonctionne avec les types de jetons précis suivants:

Le jeton précis doit avoir l’ensemble d’autorisations suivant:

  • "Metadata" repository permissions (read)

Ce point de terminaison peut être utilisé sans authentification ou sans les autorisations mentionnées ci-dessus si seules les ressources publiques sont demandées.

Paramètres pour « Get a repository ruleset »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
owner string Obligatoire

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string Obligatoire

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

ruleset_id integer Obligatoire

The ID of the ruleset.

Paramètres de requête
Nom, Type, Description
includes_parents boolean

Include rulesets configured at higher levels that apply to this repository

Default: true

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Get a repository ruleset »

Code d’étatDescription



Resource not found


Internal Error

Exemples de code pour « Get a repository ruleset »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/rulesets/RULESET_ID


Status: 200
{ "id": 42, "name": "super cool ruleset", "target": "branch", "source_type": "Repository", "source": "monalisa/my-repo", "enforcement": "active", "bypass_actors": [ { "actor_id": 234, "actor_type": "Team", "bypass_mode": "always" } ], "conditions": { "ref_name": { "include": [ "refs/heads/main", "refs/heads/master" ], "exclude": [ "refs/heads/dev*" ] } }, "rules": [ { "type": "commit_author_email_pattern", "parameters": { "operator": "contains", "pattern": "github" } } ], "node_id": "RRS_lACkVXNlcgQB", "_links": { "self": { "href": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/monalisa/my-repo/rulesets/42" }, "html": { "href": "" } }, "created_at": "2023-07-15T08:43:03Z", "updated_at": "2023-08-23T16:29:47Z" }

Update a repository ruleset

Update a ruleset for a repository.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Update a repository ruleset »

Ce point de terminaison fonctionne avec les types de jetons précis suivants:

Le jeton précis doit avoir l’ensemble d’autorisations suivant:

  • "Administration" repository permissions (write)

Paramètres pour « Update a repository ruleset »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
owner string Obligatoire

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string Obligatoire

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

ruleset_id integer Obligatoire

The ID of the ruleset.

Paramètres du corps
Nom, Type, Description
name string

The name of the ruleset.

target string

The target of the ruleset

Peut être: branch, tag, push

enforcement string

The enforcement level of the ruleset. evaluate allows admins to test rules before enforcing them. Admins can view insights on the Rule Insights page. evaluate is not available for the repository target.

Peut être: disabled, active, evaluate

bypass_actors array of objects

The actors that can bypass the rules in this ruleset

Nom, Type, Description
actor_id integer or null

The ID of the actor that can bypass a ruleset. If actor_type is OrganizationAdmin, this should be 1. If actor_type is DeployKey, this should be null. OrganizationAdmin is not applicable for personal repositories.

actor_type string Obligatoire

The type of actor that can bypass a ruleset

Peut être: Integration, OrganizationAdmin, RepositoryRole, Team, DeployKey

bypass_mode string

When the specified actor can bypass the ruleset. pull_request means that an actor can only bypass rules on pull requests. pull_request is not applicable for the DeployKey actor type. Also, pull_request is only applicable to branch rulesets.

Default: always

Peut être: always, pull_request

conditions object

Parameters for a repository ruleset ref name condition

Nom, Type, Description
ref_name object
Nom, Type, Description
include array of strings

Array of ref names or patterns to include. One of these patterns must match for the condition to pass. Also accepts ~DEFAULT_BRANCH to include the default branch or ~ALL to include all branches.

exclude array of strings

Array of ref names or patterns to exclude. The condition will not pass if any of these patterns match.

rules array of objects

An array of rules within the ruleset.

Nom, Type, Description
creation object Obligatoire

Only allow users with bypass permission to create matching refs.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: creation

update object Obligatoire

Only allow users with bypass permission to update matching refs.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: update

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
update_allows_fetch_and_merge boolean Obligatoire

Branch can pull changes from its upstream repository

deletion object Obligatoire

Only allow users with bypass permissions to delete matching refs.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: deletion

required_linear_history object Obligatoire

Prevent merge commits from being pushed to matching refs.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: required_linear_history

merge_queue object Obligatoire

Merges must be performed via a merge queue.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: merge_queue

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
check_response_timeout_minutes integer Obligatoire

Maximum time for a required status check to report a conclusion. After this much time has elapsed, checks that have not reported a conclusion will be assumed to have failed

grouping_strategy string Obligatoire

When set to ALLGREEN, the merge commit created by merge queue for each PR in the group must pass all required checks to merge. When set to HEADGREEN, only the commit at the head of the merge group, i.e. the commit containing changes from all of the PRs in the group, must pass its required checks to merge.


max_entries_to_build integer Obligatoire

Limit the number of queued pull requests requesting checks and workflow runs at the same time.

max_entries_to_merge integer Obligatoire

The maximum number of PRs that will be merged together in a group.

merge_method string Obligatoire

Method to use when merging changes from queued pull requests.


min_entries_to_merge integer Obligatoire

The minimum number of PRs that will be merged together in a group.

min_entries_to_merge_wait_minutes integer Obligatoire

The time merge queue should wait after the first PR is added to the queue for the minimum group size to be met. After this time has elapsed, the minimum group size will be ignored and a smaller group will be merged.

required_deployments object Obligatoire

Choose which environments must be successfully deployed to before refs can be pushed into a ref that matches this rule.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: required_deployments

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
required_deployment_environments array of strings Obligatoire

The environments that must be successfully deployed to before branches can be merged.

required_signatures object Obligatoire

Commits pushed to matching refs must have verified signatures.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: required_signatures

pull_request object Obligatoire

Require all commits be made to a non-target branch and submitted via a pull request before they can be merged.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: pull_request

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
allowed_merge_methods array of strings

Array of allowed merge methods. Allowed values include merge, squash, and rebase. At least one option must be enabled.

dismiss_stale_reviews_on_push boolean Obligatoire

New, reviewable commits pushed will dismiss previous pull request review approvals.

require_code_owner_review boolean Obligatoire

Require an approving review in pull requests that modify files that have a designated code owner.

require_last_push_approval boolean Obligatoire

Whether the most recent reviewable push must be approved by someone other than the person who pushed it.

required_approving_review_count integer Obligatoire

The number of approving reviews that are required before a pull request can be merged.

required_review_thread_resolution boolean Obligatoire

All conversations on code must be resolved before a pull request can be merged.

required_status_checks object Obligatoire

Choose which status checks must pass before the ref is updated. When enabled, commits must first be pushed to another ref where the checks pass.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: required_status_checks

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
do_not_enforce_on_create boolean

Allow repositories and branches to be created if a check would otherwise prohibit it.

required_status_checks array of objects Obligatoire

Status checks that are required.

Nom, Type, Description
context string Obligatoire

The status check context name that must be present on the commit.

integration_id integer

The optional integration ID that this status check must originate from.

strict_required_status_checks_policy boolean Obligatoire

Whether pull requests targeting a matching branch must be tested with the latest code. This setting will not take effect unless at least one status check is enabled.

non_fast_forward object Obligatoire

Prevent users with push access from force pushing to refs.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: non_fast_forward

commit_message_pattern object Obligatoire

Parameters to be used for the commit_message_pattern rule

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: commit_message_pattern

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
name string

How this rule will appear to users.

negate boolean

If true, the rule will fail if the pattern matches.

operator string Obligatoire

The operator to use for matching.

Peut être: starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex

pattern string Obligatoire

The pattern to match with.

commit_author_email_pattern object Obligatoire

Parameters to be used for the commit_author_email_pattern rule

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: commit_author_email_pattern

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
name string

How this rule will appear to users.

negate boolean

If true, the rule will fail if the pattern matches.

operator string Obligatoire

The operator to use for matching.

Peut être: starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex

pattern string Obligatoire

The pattern to match with.

committer_email_pattern object Obligatoire

Parameters to be used for the committer_email_pattern rule

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: committer_email_pattern

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
name string

How this rule will appear to users.

negate boolean

If true, the rule will fail if the pattern matches.

operator string Obligatoire

The operator to use for matching.

Peut être: starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex

pattern string Obligatoire

The pattern to match with.

branch_name_pattern object Obligatoire

Parameters to be used for the branch_name_pattern rule

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: branch_name_pattern

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
name string

How this rule will appear to users.

negate boolean

If true, the rule will fail if the pattern matches.

operator string Obligatoire

The operator to use for matching.

Peut être: starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex

pattern string Obligatoire

The pattern to match with.

tag_name_pattern object Obligatoire

Parameters to be used for the tag_name_pattern rule

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: tag_name_pattern

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
name string

How this rule will appear to users.

negate boolean

If true, the rule will fail if the pattern matches.

operator string Obligatoire

The operator to use for matching.

Peut être: starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex

pattern string Obligatoire

The pattern to match with.

workflows object Obligatoire

Require all changes made to a targeted branch to pass the specified workflows before they can be merged.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: workflows

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
do_not_enforce_on_create boolean

Allow repositories and branches to be created if a check would otherwise prohibit it.

workflows array of objects Obligatoire

Workflows that must pass for this rule to pass.

Nom, Type, Description
path string Obligatoire

The path to the workflow file

ref string

The ref (branch or tag) of the workflow file to use

repository_id integer Obligatoire

The ID of the repository where the workflow is defined

sha string

The commit SHA of the workflow file to use

code_scanning object Obligatoire

Choose which tools must provide code scanning results before the reference is updated. When configured, code scanning must be enabled and have results for both the commit and the reference being updated.

Nom, Type, Description
type string Obligatoire

Value: code_scanning

parameters object
Nom, Type, Description
code_scanning_tools array of objects Obligatoire

Tools that must provide code scanning results for this rule to pass.

Nom, Type, Description
alerts_threshold string Obligatoire

The severity level at which code scanning results that raise alerts block a reference update. For more information on alert severity levels, see "About code scanning alerts."

Peut être: none, errors, errors_and_warnings, all

security_alerts_threshold string Obligatoire

The severity level at which code scanning results that raise security alerts block a reference update. For more information on security severity levels, see "About code scanning alerts."

Peut être: none, critical, high_or_higher, medium_or_higher, all

tool string Obligatoire

The name of a code scanning tool

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Update a repository ruleset »

Code d’étatDescription



Resource not found


Internal Error

Exemples de code pour « Update a repository ruleset »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -X PUT \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/rulesets/RULESET_ID \ -d '{"name":"super cool ruleset","target":"branch","enforcement":"active","bypass_actors":[{"actor_id":234,"actor_type":"Team","bypass_mode":"always"}],"conditions":{"ref_name":{"include":["refs/heads/main","refs/heads/master"],"exclude":["refs/heads/dev*"]}},"rules":[{"type":"commit_author_email_pattern","parameters":{"operator":"contains","pattern":"github"}}]}'


Status: 200
{ "id": 42, "name": "super cool ruleset", "target": "branch", "source_type": "Repository", "source": "monalisa/my-repo", "enforcement": "active", "bypass_actors": [ { "actor_id": 234, "actor_type": "Team", "bypass_mode": "always" } ], "conditions": { "ref_name": { "include": [ "refs/heads/main", "refs/heads/master" ], "exclude": [ "refs/heads/dev*" ] } }, "rules": [ { "type": "commit_author_email_pattern", "parameters": { "operator": "contains", "pattern": "github" } } ], "node_id": "RRS_lACkVXNlcgQB", "_links": { "self": { "href": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/monalisa/my-repo/rulesets/42" }, "html": { "href": "" } }, "created_at": "2023-07-15T08:43:03Z", "updated_at": "2023-08-23T16:29:47Z" }

Delete a repository ruleset

Delete a ruleset for a repository.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Delete a repository ruleset »

Ce point de terminaison fonctionne avec les types de jetons précis suivants:

Le jeton précis doit avoir l’ensemble d’autorisations suivant:

  • "Administration" repository permissions (write)

Paramètres pour « Delete a repository ruleset »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
owner string Obligatoire

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string Obligatoire

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

ruleset_id integer Obligatoire

The ID of the ruleset.

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Delete a repository ruleset »

Code d’étatDescription

No Content


Resource not found


Internal Error

Exemples de code pour « Delete a repository ruleset »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -X DELETE \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/rulesets/RULESET_ID


Status: 204