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Managing events

You can use events to mark important days or periods in metrics to add context for viewers.

People with admin permissions to GitHub Insights can manage events.

GitHub Insights is available with GitHub One. Para obtener más información, consulta "Productos de GitHub".

En este artículo

About events

Events add context to metrics. For example, holidays or release dates can cause changes in work patterns, so knowing when those events occurred can change your evaluation of metrics. You can create events for the reorganization of teams, start dates of new employees, changes in scope for teams, and anything else that would affect your team's work.

After you create an event in GitHub Insights, anyone can view the event as an annotation in some metrics. For more information, see "Viewing key metrics and reports."

Creating an event

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Pestaña Parámetros

  2. Under Settings, click Events.

    Events tab

  3. Click Add Event.

    Add Event button

  4. Under "Title", type a descriptive name for your event.

    Campo para el título

  5. Use the "Start Date" drop-down menu, and select a start date for your event.

    Start Date drop-down menu

  6. Use the "End Date" drop-down menu, and select an end date for your event.

    End Date drop-down menu

  7. Haz clic en Save (Guardar).

Deleting an event

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Pestaña Parámetros

  2. Under Settings, click Events.

    Events tab

  3. To the right of the event you want to delete, click .

    Trash can button

  4. Click Confirm.

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