Marking a pull request as ready for review
Cuando estés listo para obtener retroalimentación sobre tu solicitud de extracción, puedes marcar tu borrador de solicitud de extracción como listo para revisión. Con esto, solicitarás las revisiones de cualquier propietario de código en cuestión.
Tip: You can also mark a pull request as ready for review using the CLI de GitHub. For more information, see "gh pr ready
" in the CLI de GitHub documentation.
- Debajo del nombre de tu repositorio, da clic en
Solicitudes de cambios.
- In the "Pull requests" list, click the pull request you'd like to mark as ready for review.
- In the merge box, click Ready for review.
Converting a pull request to a draft
You can convert a pull request to a draft at any time. For example, if you accidentally opened a pull request instead of a draft, or if you've received feedback on your pull request that needs to be addressed, you can convert the pull request to a draft to indicate further changes are needed. No one can merge the pull request until you mark the pull request as ready for review again. People who are already subscribed to notifications for the pull request will not be unsubscribed when you convert the pull request to a draft.
- Debajo del nombre de tu repositorio, da clic en
Solicitudes de cambios.
- In the "Pull requests" list, click the pull request you'd like to convert to a draft.
- In the right sidebar, under "Reviewers," click Convert to draft.
- Click Convert to draft.