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Viewing metrics for secret scanning push protection

You can use security overview to see how secret scanning push protection is performing in repositories across your organization or enterprise, and to identify repositories where you may need to take action.

Who can use this feature?

Access requires:

  • Organization views: write access to repositories in the organization
  • Enterprise views: organization owners and security managers


Secret scanning metrics for push protection is currently in beta and subject to change.

About metrics for secret scanning push protection

The metrics overview for secret scanning push protection helps you to understand how well you are preventing security leaks in your organization or across organizations in your enterprise. You can use the metrics to assess how push protection is performing, and to easily identify the repositories where you may need to take action in order to prevent leaks of sensitive information.

The overview shows you a summary of how many pushes containing secrets have been successfully blocked by push protection, as well as how many times push protection was bypassed.

You can also find more granular metrics, such as:

  • The secret types that have been blocked or bypassed the most
  • The repositories that have had the most pushes blocked
  • The repositories that are bypassing push protection the most
  • The percentage distribution of reasons that users give when they bypass the protection

Use the date picker to set the time range that you want to view alert activity and metrics for, and click in the search box to add further filters on the alerts and metrics displayed. For more information, see Filtering alerts in security overview.

You can see secret scanning metrics if you have:

The metrics are based on activity from the default period or your selected period.

Viewing metrics for secret scanning push protection for an organization

  1. On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the organization.

  2. Under your organization name, click Security.

    Screenshot of the horizontal navigation bar for an organization. A tab, labeled with a shield icon and "Security," is outlined in dark orange.

  3. In the sidebar, under "Metrics", click Secret scanning.

  4. Click on an individual secret type or repository to see the associated secret scanning alerts for your organization.

  5. You can use the options at the top of the page to filter the group of repositories that you want to see secret scanning metrics for.

    • Use the date picker to set the time range that you want to view metrics for. Note that the date used by the date picker corresponds to the date a secret was bypassed on.
    • Click in the search box to add further filters on the secret scanning metrics displayed. For more information, see Filtering alerts in security overview.

Viewing metrics for secret scanning push protection for an enterprise

You can view metrics for secret scanning push protection across organizations in an enterprise. The information shown by security overview varies according to your access to repositories and organizations, and according to whether Advanced Security features are used by those repositories and organizations. For more information, see About security overview.


You can use the owner filter in the search field to filter the data by organization. For more information, see Filtering alerts in security overview.

  1. In the top-right corner of GitHub Enterprise Server, click your profile photo, then click Enterprise settings.

    Screenshot of the dropdown menu shown when you click the profile photo on GitHub Enterprise Server. The "Enterprise settings" option is outlined.

  2. On the left side of the page, in the enterprise account sidebar, click Code Security.

  3. In the sidebar, click Secret scanning metrics.

  4. Click on an individual secret type or repository to see the associated secret scanning alerts for your enterprise.

  5. You can use the options at the top of the page to filter the group of repositories that you want to see secret scanning metrics for.

    • Use the date picker to set the time range that you want to view metrics for. Note that the date used by the date picker corresponds to the date a secret was bypassed on.
    • Click in the search box to add further filters on the secret scanning metrics displayed. For more information, see Filtering alerts in security overview.