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About licenses for GitHub Enterprise

You can synchronize your license usage between GitHub Enterprise deployments, and use a license file to unlock each GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

About licensing for GitHub Enterprise

GitHub Enterprise offers two deployment options. In addition to GitHub Enterprise Server, you can use GitHub Enterprise Cloud to host development work for your enterprise on For more information, see GitHub’s plans.

GitHub uses a unique-user licensing model. With the GitHub Enterprise plan, you're entitled to use both GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server. Your GitHub Enterprise Cloud allowance includes one deployment, on either or

GitHub determines how many licensed seats you're consuming based on the number of unique users across your deployments. Each user only consumes one license, no matter how many GitHub Enterprise Server instances the user uses, or how many organizations the user is a member of on your GitHub Enterprise Cloud deployment. This model allows each person to use multiple GitHub Enterprise deployments without incurring extra costs. To understand how GitHub bills you for consumed licensed seats, see About per-user pricing. For more about the price of GitHub Enterprise licenses, see Pricing on the GitHub website.

To ensure the same user isn't consuming more than one license for multiple enterprise deployments, you can synchronize license usage between your GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub Enterprise Cloud deployments.

GitHub Enterprise licensing models

There are two types of GitHub Enterprise (GHE) licenses.

  • GHE (Metered): A cloud-first license where users must first be assigned to a GitHub Enterprise Cloud organization.

    • All Cloud users automatically receive a use right for GitHub Enterprise Server.
    • Billing is based on the number of active users each month.
    • Users can generate their own Server license, which covers the number of assigned Cloud seats at the time of generation and is valid for one year.
    • Server-only users will be added to GHE (Metered) billing. These users are de-duplicated with email matching to avoid double billing.
  • GHE (Volume/Subscription, also called GHE Unified): A bundled license for both GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server.

    • One license covers both GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server, allowing users to work in either or both.
    • Users can access both services via GitHub Connect.
    • This license requires manual setup and is provided by GitHub Sales.

Comparison of licensing models

License modelGHE (Metered)GHE (Volume/subscription)
Billing typeUsage-basedVolume-based
Cloud vs. ServerCloud-first, with a Server use right for Cloud users1 user license covers both Cloud and Server (hybrid, Cloud-only, or Server-only)
SetupSelf-serviceManual setup via GitHub Sales
Server license generationUsers generate their own GitHub Enterprise Server licenseLicense file provided by GitHub Sales
License file scopeCovers Cloud-assigned users at time of generationCovers all purchased users for both Cloud and Server
License expirationExpires in 12 monthsAligned with volume license term
License key usageLimits max Server usersCovers all users in the volume subscription
Required GitHub Enterprise versionGitHub Enterprise 3.13+, with GitHub ConnectNo specific version required
Billing modelInvoiced for users not assigned on Cloud via GitHub ConnectFixed cost based on purchased volume

In order to use a GitHub Enterprise Server instance, you must upload a license file that GitHub provides when you purchase, renew, or add user licenses to GitHub Enterprise.

About synchronization of license usage for GitHub Enterprise

For a person using multiple GitHub Enterprise environments to only consume a single license, you must synchronize license usage between environments. Then, GitHub will deduplicate users based on the email addresses associated with their user accounts. GitHub deduplicates licenses for the GitHub Enterprise plan itself, and for GitHub Advanced Security. For more information, see Troubleshooting license usage for GitHub Enterprise. For more information, see Syncing license usage between GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub Enterprise Cloud.

About license files for GitHub Enterprise

When you purchase or renew GitHub Enterprise, GitHub provides a license file for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. A license file has an expiration date and controls the number of people who can use your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. After you download and install GitHub Enterprise Server, you must upload the license file to unlock the application for you to use.

For more information about downloading your license file, see Downloading your license for GitHub Enterprise.

For more information about uploading your license file, see Uploading a new license to GitHub Enterprise Server.

If your license expires, you won't be able to access GitHub Enterprise Server via a web browser or Git. If needed, you will be able to use command-line utilities to back up all your data. For more information, see Configuring backups on your instance.

If you have any questions about renewing your license, contact GitHub's Sales team.

Further reading