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Managing large files
You can manage large files with Git Large File Storage.
About large files on GitHub
GitHub limits the size of files you can track in regular Git repositories. Learn how to track or remove files that are beyond the limit.
About Git Large File Storage
GitHub limits the size of files allowed in repositories. To track files beyond this limit, you can use Git Large File Storage.
Installing Git Large File Storage
In order to use Git LFS, you'll need to download and install a new program that's separate from Git.
Configuring Git Large File Storage
Once Git LFS is installed, you need to associate it with a large file in your repository.
Collaboration with Git Large File Storage
With Git LFS enabled, you'll be able to fetch, modify, and push large files just as you would expect with any file that Git manages. However, a user that doesn't have Git LFS will experience a different workflow.
Moving a file in your repository to Git Large File Storage
If you've set up Git LFS, and you have an existing file in your repository that needs to be tracked in Git LFS, you need to first remove it from your repository.
Removing files from Git Large File Storage
If you've set up Git LFS for your repository, you can remove all files or a subset of files from Git LFS.
Resolving Git Large File Storage upload failures
If your Git LFS files didn't upload properly, you can take several steps to troubleshoot the upload error.