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This version of GitHub Enterprise Server will be discontinued on 2025-04-03. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise Server. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

About date fields

You can create custom date fields that can be set by typing a date or using a calendar.

You can filter for date values using the YYYY-MM-DD format, for example: date:2022-07-01. You can also use operators, such as >, >=, <, <=, and ... For example, date:>2022-07-01 and date:2022-07-01..2022-07-31. You can also provide @today to represent the current day in your filter. For more information, see Filtering projects.

If your project makes use of date fields, you can use the roadmap layout to view items on a timeline. For more information, see Changing the layout of a view and Customizing the roadmap layout.

Adding a date field

  1. In table view, in the rightmost field header, click .
    Screenshot of a project. The "Add field" button is highlighted with an orange outline.
  2. Click New field.
  3. At the top of the dropdown, type the name of your new field.
  4. Select Date
  5. Click Save.