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Syntax for discussion category forms

You can use YAML syntax to define the fields in your discussion category forms.

About YAML syntax for discussion category forms

You can create custom discussion category forms by adding a YAML form definition file to the /.github/DISCUSSION_TEMPLATE/ folder in your repository. If you're new to YAML and want to learn more, see Learn YAML in Y minutes.

The name must correspond with the slug for one of your discussion categories. For example, the template for the "Announcements" category should be .github/DISCUSSION_TEMPLATE/announcements.yml.

For each field, you can define the input type, validation, and a default label.

When a community member fills out a discussion form, their responses for each input are converted to markdown and added to the body of a discussion. Community members can edit their discussions that were created with a discussion form and other people can interact with the discussion like a discussion created through other methods.

This example YAML configuration file defines a general discussion category form.

title: "[General] "
labels: ["General Introduction"]
  - type: markdown
      value: |
        This is text that will show up in the template!
  - type: textarea
    id: improvements
      label: Top 3 improvements
      description: "What are the top 3 improvements we could make to this project?"
      value: |
      render: bash
      required: true
  - type: markdown
      value: |
        ## Markdown header
        And some more markdown
  - type: input
    id: has-id
      label: Suggestions
      description: A description about suggestions to help you
      required: true
  - type: dropdown
    id: download
      label: Which area of this project could be most improved?
        - Documentation
        - Pull request review time
        - Bug fix time
        - Release cadence
      required: true
  - type: checkboxes
      label: Check that box!
        - label: This one!
          required: true
        - label: I won't stop you if you check this one, too
  - type: markdown
      value: |
        ### The thrilling conclusion
        _to our template_

Top-level syntax

The configuration file for a discussion category form must contain a body key, and the body must contain at least 1 non-Markdown field.

- type: input
  id: suggestion
    label: Suggestion
    description: "How might we make this project better?"
    placeholder: "Adding a file would be a great idea."
    required: true

You can set the following top-level keys for each discussion category form.

bodyDefinition of the input types in the discussion form.RequiredArray
labelsLabels that will automatically be added to discussions created with this template.OptionalArray or comma-delimited string
titleA default title that will be pre-populated in the discussion submission form.OptionalString

To add fields to your form, include an array of form elements in the body key. For a list of available elements and their syntaxes, see Syntax for GitHub's form schema.