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This version of GitHub Enterprise Server will be discontinued on 2025-04-03. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise Server. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Security hardening your deployments

Use OpenID Connect within your workflows to authenticate with your cloud provider.

About security hardening with OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect allows your workflows to exchange short-lived tokens directly from your cloud provider.

Configuring OpenID Connect in Amazon Web Services

Use OpenID Connect within your workflows to authenticate with Amazon Web Services.

Configuring OpenID Connect in Azure

Use OpenID Connect within your workflows to authenticate with Azure.

Configuring OpenID Connect in Google Cloud Platform

Use OpenID Connect within your workflows to authenticate with Google Cloud Platform.

Configuring OpenID Connect in HashiCorp Vault

Use OpenID Connect within your workflows to authenticate with HashiCorp Vault.

Configuring OpenID Connect in cloud providers

Use OpenID Connect within your workflows to authenticate with cloud providers.

Using OpenID Connect with reusable workflows

You can use reusable workflows with OIDC to standardize and security harden your deployment steps.