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Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise Server wird eingestellt am 2025-04-03. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features aktualisiere auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise Server. Wende dich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe zum Upgrade zu erhalten.

Berechtigungsstufen für ein Projekt (klassisch), das einem persönlichen Konto gehört

Ein Projekt (klassisch), das einem persönlichen Konto gehört, hat zwei Berechtigungsstufen: den Projekt (klassisch) Besitzer und die Mitarbeiter.


  • Projects, the all-new projects experience, is now available. For more information about Projects, see About Projects.
  • You can only create a new project (classic) for an organization, repository, or user that already has at least one project (classic). If you're unable to create a project (classic), create a project instead.

Permissions overview

There is only one owner of a user-owned project (classic); this permission cannot be shared with another personal account. In addition to the owner, other people can collaborate on projects (classic).

There are three levels of permissions for project (classic) collaborators:

  • Read, which gives people permission to view a project (classic).
  • Write, which gives people permission to view a project (classic), link repositories to a project (classic), and interact with a project (classic). For more information, see Linking a repository to a project (classic).
  • Admin, which gives people permission to view a project (classic), interact with a project (classic), manage project (classic) settings, and manage other people's access to the project (classic).

Owner and admin permissions for a user-owned project (classic)

The project (classic) owner and collaborators with admin access have full control of the project (classic). In addition to all the permissions allowed by project (classic) collaborators, a project (classic) owner and collaborator with admin access can:

Read and write permissions for a user-owned project (classic)

Collaborators with read access to a user-owned project (classic) can:

  • View a project (classic)
  • Copy a project (classic)
  • Filter cards on a project (classic)

Collaborators with write access to a user-owned project (classic) can:

  • View a project (classic)
  • Copy a project (classic)
  • Filter cards on a project (classic)
  • Edit a project (classic)
  • Link a repository to a project (classic)
  • Configure automation for projects (classic)
  • Copy a project (classic)
  • Add issues and pull requests to a project (classic)
  • Add notes to a project (classic)
  • Track progress on your project (classic)
  • Archive cards on a project (classic)

Project (classic) visibility

You can change the project (classic)'s visibility from private to public and back again. By default, user-owned projects (classic) are private. For more information, see Changing project (classic) visibility.

Further reading