Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise wurde eingestellt am 2021-09-23. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für eine bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features nimm ein Upgrade auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise vor. Wende Dich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe beim Upgrade zu erhalten.

Überwachung und Fehlerbehebung selbst-gehosteter Runner

Du kannst Deine selbst gehosteten Runner überwachen, um ihre Aktivität zu sehen und gewöhnliche Probleme zu diagnostizieren.

Note: GitHub Actions was available for GitHub Enterprise Server 2.22 as a limited beta. The beta has ended. GitHub Actions is now generally available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 or later. For more information, see the GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 release notes.

Note: GitHub-hosted runners are not currently supported on GitHub Enterprise Server. You can see more information about planned future support on the GitHub public roadmap.

Den Status eines selbst-gehosteten Runners mittels GitHub überprüfen

A self-hosted runner can be located in either your repository, organization, or enterprise settings on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. Um einen selbst-gehosteten Läufer zu verwalten, musst Du über die folgenden Berechtigungen verfügen, abhängig davon, wo der selbst-gehostete Läufer hinzugefügt wurde:

  • User repository: You must be the repository owner.

  • Organization: You must be an organization owner.

  • Organization repository: You must be an organization owner, or have admin access to the repository.

  • Enterprise: You must be a GitHub Enterprise site administrator.

  1. Navigiere in Deiner Organisation oder Deinem Repository zur Hauptseite, und klicke auf Settings (Einstellungen).

  2. In the left sidebar, click Actions.

  3. Under "Self-hosted runners", you can view a list of registered runners, including the runner's name, labels, and status.

    Der Status kann einer der folgenden sein:

    • Idle (Leerlauf): Der Runner ist mit GitHub Enterprise Server verbunden und bereit, Jobs auszuführen.
    • Active: Der Runner führt derzeit einen Job aus.
    • Offline: Der Runner ist nicht mit GitHub Enterprise Server verbunden. Dies könnte daran liegen, dass der Rechner offline ist, die Anwendung für selbst-gehostete Runner nicht auf dem Rechner läuft, oder die Anwendung für selbst-gehostete Runner kann nicht mit GitHub Enterprise Server kommunizieren.

Die Logdateien der Anwendung für selbst-gehostete Runner überprüfen

You can monitor the status of the self-hosted runner application and its activities. Log files are kept in the _diag directory, and a new one is generated each time the application is started. The filename begins with Runner_, and is followed by a UTC timestamp of when the application was started.

For detailed logs on workflow job executions, see the next section describing the Worker_ files.

Logdatei eines Jobs überprüfen

The self-hosted runner application creates a detailed log file for each job that it processes. These files are stored in the _diag directory, and the filename begins with Worker_.

Den Anwendungs-Dienst für selbst-gehostete Runner mittels journalctl überprüfen

For Linux-based self-hosted runners running the application using a service, you can use journalctl to monitor their real-time activity. The default systemd-based service uses the following naming convention: actions.runner.<org>-<repo>.<runnerName>.service. This name is truncated if it exceeds 80 characters, so the preferred way of finding the service's name is by checking the .service file. Ein Beispiel:

$ cat ~/actions-runner/.service

You can use journalctl to monitor the real-time activity of the self-hosted runner:

$ sudo journalctl -u actions.runner.octo-org-octo-repo.runner01.service -f

In this example output, you can see runner01 start, receive a job named testAction, and then display the resulting status:

Feb 11 14:57:07 runner01 runsvc.sh[962]: Starting Runner listener with startup type: service
Feb 11 14:57:07 runner01 runsvc.sh[962]: Started listener process
Feb 11 14:57:07 runner01 runsvc.sh[962]: Started running service
Feb 11 14:57:16 runner01 runsvc.sh[962]: √ Connected to GitHub
Feb 11 14:57:17 runner01 runsvc.sh[962]: 2020-02-11 14:57:17Z: Listening for Jobs
Feb 11 16:06:54 runner01 runsvc.sh[962]: 2020-02-11 16:06:54Z: Running job: testAction
Feb 11 16:07:10 runner01 runsvc.sh[962]: 2020-02-11 16:07:10Z: Job testAction completed with result: Succeeded

To view the systemd configuration, you can locate the service file here: /etc/systemd/system/actions.runner.<org>-<repo>.<runnerName>.service. If you want to customize the self-hosted runner application service, do not directly modify this file. Follow the instructions described in "Configuring the self-hosted runner application as a service."

Den Anwendungs-Dienst für selbst-gehostete Runner mittels „launchd“ überprüfen

For macOS-based self-hosted runners running the application as a service, you can use launchctl to monitor their real-time activity. The default launchd-based service uses the following naming convention: actions.runner.<org>-<repo>.<runnerName>. This name is truncated if it exceeds 80 characters, so the preferred way of finding the service's name is by checking the .service file in the runner directory:

% cat ~/actions-runner/.service

The svc.sh script uses launchctl to check whether the application is running. Ein Beispiel:

$ ./svc.sh status
status actions.runner.example.runner01:
379 0 actions.runner.example.runner01

The resulting output includes the process ID and the name of the application’s launchd service.

To view the launchd configuration, you can locate the service file here: /Users/exampleUsername/Library/LaunchAgents/actions.runner.<repoName>.<runnerName>.service. If you want to customize the self-hosted runner application service, do not directly modify this file. Follow the instructions described in "Configuring the self-hosted runner application as a service."

Den Anwendungs-Dienst für selbst-gehostete Runner mittels PowerShell überprüfen

For Windows-based self-hosted runners running the application as a service, you can use PowerShell to monitor their real-time activity. The service uses the naming convention GitHub Actions Runner (<org>-<repo>.<runnerName>). You can also find the service's name by checking the .service file in the runner directory:

PS C:\actions-runner> Get-Content .service

You can view the status of the runner in the Windows Services application (services.msc). You can also use PowerShell to check whether the service is running:

PS C:\actions-runner> Get-Service "actions.runner.octo-org-octo-repo.runner01.service" | Select-Object Name, Status
Name                                                  Status
----                                                  ------
actions.runner.octo-org-octo-repo.runner01.service    Running

You can use PowerShell to check the recent activity of the self-hosted runner. In this example output, you can see the application start, receive a job named testAction, and then display the resulting status:

PS C:\actions-runner> Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source ActionsRunnerService

   Index Time          EntryType   Source                 InstanceID Message
   ----- ----          ---------   ------                 ---------- -------
     136 Mar 17 13:45  Information ActionsRunnerService          100 2020-03-17 13:45:48Z: Job Greeting completed with result: Succeeded
     135 Mar 17 13:45  Information ActionsRunnerService          100 2020-03-17 13:45:34Z: Running job: testAction
     134 Mar 17 13:41  Information ActionsRunnerService          100 2020-03-17 13:41:54Z: Listening for Jobs
     133 Mar 17 13:41  Information ActionsRunnerService          100 û Connected to GitHub
     132 Mar 17 13:41  Information ActionsRunnerService            0 Service started successfully.
     131 Mar 17 13:41  Information ActionsRunnerService          100 Starting Actions Runner listener
     130 Mar 17 13:41  Information ActionsRunnerService          100 Starting Actions Runner Service
     129 Mar 17 13:41  Information ActionsRunnerService          100 create event log trace source for actions-runner service

Den automatischen Aktualisierungsprozesses überwachen

We recommend that you regularly check the automatic update process, as the self-hosted runner will not be able to process jobs if it falls below a certain version threshold. The self-hosted runner application automatically updates itself, but note that this process does not include any updates to the operating system or other software; you will need to separately manage these updates.

You can view the update activities in the Runner_ log files. Ein Beispiel:

[Feb 12 12:37:07 INFO SelfUpdater] An update is available.

In addition, you can find more information in the SelfUpdate log files located in the _diag directory.

Fehlerbehebung für Container in selbst-gehosteten Runnern

Überprüfen, ob Docker installiert ist

If your jobs require containers, then the self-hosted runner must be Linux-based and needs to have Docker installed. Check that your self-hosted runner has Docker installed and that the service is running.

You can use systemctl to check the service status:

$ sudo systemctl is-active docker.service

If Docker is not installed, then dependent actions will fail with the following errors:

[2020-02-13 16:56:10Z INFO DockerCommandManager] Which: 'docker'
[2020-02-13 16:56:10Z INFO DockerCommandManager] Not found.
[2020-02-13 16:56:10Z ERR  StepsRunner] Caught exception from step: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File not found: 'docker'

Die Docker Berechtigungen überprüfen

If your job fails with the following error:

dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

Check that the self-hosted runner's service account has permission to use the Docker service. You can identify this account by checking the configuration of the self-hosted runner in systemd. Ein Beispiel:

$ sudo systemctl show -p User actions.runner.octo-org-octo-repo.runner01.service