文章版本: Enterprise Server 2.15

此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 将停止服务 此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2019-10-16. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.




您可以评论拉取请求、批准更改或在批准前申请改进。 更多信息请参阅“关于拉取请求的必需审查”和“审查拉取请求中提议的更改”。

使用搜索限定符 review-requested:[USERNAME]team-review-requested:[TEAMNAME] 可查找请求您或您所属团队审查的拉取请求。更多信息请参阅“搜索议题和拉取请求”。

提示:如果您批准的拉取请求发生了重要更改,您可以忽略审查。 拉取请求在合并前需要新的审查。 更多信息请参阅“忽略拉取请求审查”。

  1. 在仓库名称下,单击 Pull requests(拉取请求)


  2. 在拉取请求列表中,单击要审查的拉取请求。

  3. 在拉取请求上,单击 Files changed(文件已更改)

    Files changed(文件已更改)选项卡

  4. 审查拉取请求中的更改,并且选择评论特定行

  5. 在已更改代码的上方,单击 Review changes(审查更改)

    Review changes(审查更改)按钮

  6. 键入评论以总结您对提议更改的反馈。


  7. 选择 Approve(批准)以评估合并拉取请求中提议的更改。

  8. 单击 Submit review(提交审查)


  • If required reviews are enabled and a collaborator with write, admin, or owner access to the repository submits a review requesting changes, the pull request cannot be merged until the same collaborator submits another review approving the changes in the pull request.
  • Repository owners and administrators can merge a pull request even if it hasn't received an approving review, or if a reviewer who requested changes has left the organization or is unavailable.
  • If both required reviews and stale review dismissal are enabled and a code-modifying commit is pushed to the branch of an approved pull request, the approval is dismissed. The pull request must be reviewed and approved again before it can be merged.
  • When several open pull requests each have a head branch pointing to the same commit, you won’t be able to merge them if one or both have a pending or rejected review.



