文章版本: Enterprise Server 2.15

此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 将停止服务 此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2019-10-16. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

About GitHub Premium Support for GitHub Enterprise Server

GitHub 高级支持 是向 GitHub Enterprise 客户提供的一种付费、补充服务。


  • GitHub 高级支持 的条款自 2018 年 9 月开始生效,如有变动,恕不另行通知。 如果您在 2018 年 9 月 17 日之前购买了 GitHub 高级支持,则您的计划可能会有所不同。 如需了解更多详情,请联系 GitHub 高级支持。

  • 本文包含 GitHub 高级支持 对于 GitHub Enterprise Server 客户的条款。 对于于 GitHub Enterprise Cloud 客户或一起购买 GitHub Enterprise Server 和 GitHub Enterprise Cloud 的 GitHub Enterprise 客户,这些条款可能不同。 For more information, see "About GitHub 高级支持 for GitHub Enterprise Cloud" and "About GitHub 高级支持 for GitHub Enterprise."


关于 GitHub 高级支持

除了 GitHub Enterprise 支持 的所有好处外,GitHub 高级支持 还提供:

GitHub 高级支持 计划

There are two GitHub 高级支持 plans: Premium and Premium Plus.

Premium 计划 Premium Plus 计划
运行时间 24 x 7 24 x 7
Initial response time 30 minutes for Urgent
4 hours for High 30 minutes for Urgent
4 hours for High
Support channels Online ticket submission
Phone support Online ticket submission

Phone support
Screen share for critical issues | | 培训 | 高级内容访问权限 | Access to premium content
1 virtual training class per year | | 资源 | Priority ticket handling | Priority ticket handling
Named Technical Support Manager | | Scheduled checks | Bi-annual health check and reporting | Quarterly health check and reporting
Quarterly account reviews | | Administration | | 4 hours of Managed Services per month |

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注册 GitHub 高级支持

要注册 GitHub 高级支持 或升级您的计划,您可以联系我们的客户管理团队 或致电 [+1 (877) 448-4820](电话:+1-877-448-4820)。


If your support request is outside of the scope of what our team can help you with, we may recommend next steps to resolve your issue outside of GitHub 支持. Your support request is possibly out of GitHub 支持's scope if it's primarily about:

If you're uncertain if the issue is out of scope, open a ticket and we're happy to help you determine the best way to proceed. 更多信息请参阅“联系 GitHub Enterprise Server Support”。

联系 GitHub 高级支持

GitHub 高级支持 customers can use the Enterprise 支持门户 to report incidents in writing, in English and Japanese. You can also receive English-language support over the phone. For the GitHub 高级支持 phone number, see "24x7 Phone Support" in the Enterprise 支持门户.


GitHub 高级支持 全天候提供。 如果您在 2018 年 9 月 17 日之前购买了 GitHub 高级支持,则节假日期间的支持有限。 有关 GitHub 高级支持 庆祝的节假日的更多信息,请参阅“关于 GitHub 支持”中的节假日安排。


For tickets you submit, support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. The initial response time guaranteed by the SLA is dependent on the severity level of the incident. Response time begins when GitHub 高级支持 sets the severity level of the incident ticket. A response does not mean the issue has been resolved.

Incident severity level Initial response time
紧急 30 minutes
4 hours

安装 GitHub Enterprise Server 发行版

为确保 您的 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例 稳定,必须安装并实施 GitHub Enterprise Server 发行版。 安装 GitHub Enterprise Server 发行版可确保您有最新功能、修改和增强,以及功能的所有更新、代码更正、补丁或 GitHub Enterprise Server 的其他一般更新和修复。

您必须在下单购买 GitHub 高级支持 后的 90 天内,根据适用许可协议的受支持版本部分,安装 GitHub Enterprise Server 的最低支持版本。


GitHub 高级支持 设置事件单的优先级,全权决定修改优先级。 Incident tickets can have one of four priority: Urgent, High, Normal, or Low.

优先级 描述
紧急 This priority is the highest priority and receives first attention. Urgent priority tickets include:
  • 致命系统故障,例如服务器出现故障或无响应
  • 影响关键系统运行的断电
  • 安全事件
  • 过期的许可证
此优先级级表示影响业务运营的事件。 High priority tickets are bug reports for critical parts of the product.
普通 This priority indicates technical requests including configuration changes and third-party integrations. Normal priority tickets are bug reports for non-critical parts of the product.
此优先级表示非技术请求。 低优先级支持单包括:
  • 一般性操作问题和功能申请
  • 购买申请
  • 培训申请
  • 状态检查


对于可以解决的问题,GitHub 高级支持 可能以解释、建议、使用说明、解决指示或建议可解决问题的版本等形式提供解决方案。

如果您使用自定义或不支持的插件、模块或自定义代码,GitHub 高级支持 可能要求您在尝试解决问题时删除不支持的插件、模块或代码。 如果在不受支持的插件、模块或自定义代码删除后问题得以解决,GitHub 高级支持 可能视为问题已解决。

如果问题不属于支持范围,或者多次联系您未获回复,GitHub 高级支持 可能会关闭问题。 如果事件因没有响应而关闭,您可以申请再次开启。


If you don't receive an initial response within the guaranteed response time to more than four incidents in a given quarter based on GitHub's fiscal year, you're eligible for a credit. To honor the SLA, GitHub will refund 20% of the quarterly GitHub 高级支持 fee in cash. To receive the refund, you must submit a credit request.

The credit request must be made within 30 days of the end of the quarter during which the incident tickets were not responded to within the designated response time. Credit requests will not be honored if the respective deadline has passed. Once the respective deadline passes, you have waived the ability to claim a refund for the qualified credit.

To receive a refund, you must submit a completed credit request to supportcredits@github.com. To be eligible, the credit request must:

The following information must be included in your credit request:


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