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此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2022-10-12. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 为了获得更好的性能、更高的安全性和新功能,请升级到最新版本的 GitHub Enterprise。 如需升级帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

Browsing security advisories in the GitHub Advisory Database

You can browse the GitHub Advisory Database to find advisories for security risks in open source projects that are hosted on GitHub.

About the GitHub Advisory Database

The GitHub Advisory Database contains a list of known security vulnerabilities grouped in two categories: GitHub-reviewed advisories and unreviewed advisories.

我们从以下来源向 GitHub Advisory Database 添� 公告信息:

About types of security advisories

Each advisory in the GitHub Advisory Database is for a vulnerability in open source projects.

漏洞是项目代� �中的问题,可能被利用来损害机密性、完整性或者该项目或其他使用其代� �的项目的可用性。 漏洞的类型、严重性和攻击方法各不相同。 Vulnerabilities in code are usually introduced by accident and fixed soon after they are discovered. You should update your code to use the fixed version of the dependency as soon as it is available.

GitHub-reviewed advisories

GitHub-reviewed advisories are security vulnerabilities that have been mapped to packages in ecosystems we support. We carefully review each advisory for validity and ensure that they have a full description, and contain both ecosystem and package information.

Generally, we name our supported ecosystems after the software programming language's associated package registry. We review advisories if they are for a vulnerability in a package that comes from a supported registry.

If you have a suggestion for a new ecosystem we should support, please open an issue for discussion.

If you enable Dependabot alerts for your repositories, you are automatically notified when a new GitHub-reviewed advisory reports a vulnerability for a package you depend on. For more information, see "About Dependabot alerts."

Unreviewed advisories

Unreviewed advisories are security vulnerabilites that we publish automatically into the GitHub Advisory Database, directly from the National Vulnerability Database feed.

Dependabot doesn't create Dependabot alerts for unreviewed advisories as this type of advisory isn't checked for validity or completion.

About information in security advisories

Each security advisory contains information about the vulnerability which may include the description, severity, affected package, package ecosystem, affected versions and patched versions, impact, and optional information such as references, workarounds, and credits. In addition, advisories from the National Vulnerability Database list contain a link to the CVE record, where you can read more details about the vulnerability, its CVSS scores, and its qualitative severity level. For more information, see the "National Vulnerability Database" from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

The severity level is one of four possible levels defined in the "Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), Section 5."

  • Low
  • Medium/Moderate
  • High
  • Critical

The GitHub Advisory Database uses the CVSS levels described above. If GitHub obtains a CVE, the GitHub Advisory Database uses CVSS version 3.1. If the CVE is imported, the GitHub Advisory Database supports both CVSS versions 3.0 and 3.1.

还可� 入 GitHub Security Lab,以浏览与安全相关的主题,并为安全工具和项目做出贡献。

Accessing an advisory in the GitHub Advisory Database

  1. Navigate to

  2. Optionally, to filter the list, use any of the drop-down menus. Dropdown filters

    Tip: You can use the sidebar on the left to explore GitHub-reviewed and unreviewed advisories separately.

  3. Click an advisory to view details. By default, you will see GitHub-reviewed advisories for security vulnerabilities.

The database is also accessible using the GraphQL API. For more information, see the "security_advisory webhook event."

Editing an advisory in the GitHub Advisory Database

You can suggest improvements to any advisory in the GitHub Advisory Database. For more information, see "Editing security advisories in the GitHub Advisory Database."

Searching the GitHub Advisory Database

You can search the database, and use qualifiers to narrow your search. For example, you can search for advisories created on a certain date, in a specific ecosystem, or in a particular library.

日期� �式必须遵循 ISO8601 � �准,即 YYYY-MM-DD(年-月-日)。 也可以在日期后添� 可选的时间信息 THH:MM:SS+00:00,以按小时、分钟和秒进行搜索。 即 T,随后是 HH:MM:SS(时-分-秒)和 UTC 时差 (+00:00)。

搜索日期时,可以使用大于、小于和范围限定符来进一步筛选结果。 有关详细信息,请参阅“了解搜索语法”。

type:reviewedtype:reviewed will show GitHub-reviewed advisories for security vulnerabilities.
type:unreviewedtype:unreviewed will show unreviewed advisories.
GHSA-IDGHSA-49wp-qq6x-g2rf will show the advisory with this GitHub Advisory Database ID.
CVE-IDCVE-2020-28482 will show the advisory with this CVE ID number.
ecosystem:ECOSYSTEMecosystem:npm will show only advisories affecting NPM packages.
severity:LEVELseverity:high will show only advisories with a high severity level.
affects:LIBRARYaffects:lodash will show only advisories affecting the lodash library.
cwe:IDcwe:352 will show only advisories with this CWE number.
credit:USERNAMEcredit:octocat will show only advisories credited to the "octocat" user account.
sort:created-ascsort:created-asc will sort by the oldest advisories first.
sort:created-descsort:created-desc will sort by the newest advisories first.
sort:updated-ascsort:updated-asc will sort by the least recently updated first.
sort:updated-descsort:updated-desc will sort by the most recently updated first.
is:withdrawnis:withdrawn will show only advisories that have been withdrawn.
created:YYYY-MM-DDcreated:2021-01-13 will show only advisories created on this date.
updated:YYYY-MM-DDupdated:2021-01-13 will show only advisories updated on this date.

Viewing your vulnerable repositories

For any GitHub-reviewed advisory in the GitHub Advisory Database, you can see which of your repositories are affected by that security vulnerability. To see a vulnerable repository, you must have access to Dependabot alerts for that repository. For more information, see "About Dependabot alerts."

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click an advisory.
  3. At the top of the advisory page, click Dependabot alerts. Dependabot alerts
  4. Optionally, to filter the list, use the search bar or the drop-down menus. The "Organization" drop-down menu allows you to filter the Dependabot alerts per owner (organization or user). Search bar and drop-down menus to filter alerts
  5. For more details about the advisory, and for advice on how to fix the vulnerable repository, click the repository name.

Further reading