注:GitHub Enterprise Server 2.22 上的 GitHub Actions 支持是有限的公测版。 测试已结束。 GitHub Actions 现在一般可用于 GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 或更新版本。 更多信息请参阅 GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 发行说明。
- 有关升级到 GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 或更新版本的更多信息,请参阅“升级 GitHub Enterprise Server”。
- 有关在升级后配置 GitHub Actions 的更多信息,请参阅 GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 的文档。
注: GitHub 托管的运行器目前在 GitHub Enterprise Server 上不受支持。 您可以在 GitHub 公共路线图 上查看有关未来支持计划的更多信息。
This guide explains how to use GitHub Actions to build a containerized application, push it to Google Container Registry (GCR), and deploy it to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) when a release is created.
GKE 是 Google Cloud 的托管 Kubernetes 群集服务,可以在云中或您自己的数据中心中托管您的容器化工作负载。 更多信息请参阅 Google Kubernetes Engine。
在继续创建工作流程之前,您需要完成 Kubernetes 项目的以下步骤。 本指南假定项目的根目录已有 Dockerfile
和 Kubernetes 部署配置文件。 例如,请参阅 google-github-。
创建 GKE 群集
要创建 GKE 群集,首先需要使用 gcloud
CLI 进行身份验证 。 有关此步骤的更多信息,请参阅以下文章:
$ gcloud container clusters create $GKE_CLUSTER \
--project=$GKE_PROJECT \
启用 API
启用 Kubernetes Engine 和 Container Registry API。 例如:
$ gcloud services enable \
containerregistry.googleapis.com \
此程序显示如何为您的 GKE 集成创建服务帐户。 It explains how to create the account, add roles to it, retrieve its keys, and store them as a base64-encoded encrypted repository secret named GKE_SA_KEY
$ gcloud iam service-accounts create $SA_NAME
$ gcloud iam service-accounts list
向服务帐户添加角色。 注意:应用限制更严格的角色以满足您的要求。
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GKE_PROJECT \ --member=serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL \ --role=roles/container.admin \ --role=roles/storage.admin \ --role=roles/container.clusterViewer
下载服务帐户的 JSON 密钥文件:
$ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json --iam-account=$SA_EMAIL
Store the service account key as a secret named
:$ export GKE_SA_KEY=$(cat key.json | base64)
For more information about how to store a secret, see "Encrypted secrets."
Storing your project name
Store the name of your project as a secret named GKE_PROJECT
. For more information about how to store a secret, see "Encrypted secrets."
(可选)配置 kustomize
Kustomize 是用于管理 YAML 规范的可选工具。 在创建 kustomization 文件之后, 下面的工作流可用于将结果中的图像和管道字段动态设置为 kubectl
。 更多信息请参阅 kustomize 的用法。
(Optional) Configure a deployment environment
Environments are used to describe a general deployment target like production
, staging
, or development
. When a GitHub Actions workflow deploys to an environment, the environment is displayed on the main page of the repository. You can use environments to require approval for a job to proceed, restrict which branches can trigger a workflow, or limit access to secrets. For more information about creating environments, see "Using environments for deployment."
下面的示例工作流程演示如何生成容器映像并推送到 GCR。 然后,它使用 Kubernetes 工具(如 kubectl
和 kustomize
Under the env
key, change the value of GKE_CLUSTER
to the name of your cluster, GKE_ZONE
to your cluster zone, DEPLOYMENT_NAME
to the name of your deployment, and IMAGE
to the name of your image.
If you configured a deployment environment, change the value of environment
to be the name of your environment. If you did not configure an environment, delete the environment
# 此工作流使用未经 GitHub 认证的操作。
# 它们由第三方提供,并受
# 单独的服务条款、隐私政策和支持
# 文档管理。
name: Build and Deploy to GKE
types: [created]
PROJECT_ID: ${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT }}
GKE_CLUSTER: cluster-1 # Add your cluster name here.
GKE_ZONE: us-central1-c # Add your cluster zone here.
DEPLOYMENT_NAME: gke-test # Add your deployment name here.
IMAGE: static-site
name: Setup, Build, Publish, and Deploy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: production
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Setup gcloud CLI
- uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@94337306dda8180d967a56932ceb4ddcf01edae7
service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GKE_SA_KEY }}
project_id: ${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT }}
# Configure Docker to use the gcloud command-line tool as a credential
# helper for authentication
- run: |-
gcloud --quiet auth configure-docker
# Get the GKE credentials so we can deploy to the cluster
- uses: google-github-actions/get-gke-credentials@fb08709ba27618c31c09e014e1d8364b02e5042e
cluster_name: ${{ env.GKE_CLUSTER }}
location: ${{ env.GKE_ZONE }}
credentials: ${{ secrets.GKE_SA_KEY }}
# Build the Docker image
- name: Build
run: |-
docker build \
--tag "gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/$IMAGE:$GITHUB_SHA" \
--build-arg GITHUB_SHA="$GITHUB_SHA" \
--build-arg GITHUB_REF="$GITHUB_REF" \
# Push the Docker image to Google Container Registry
- name: Publish
run: |-
docker push "gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/$IMAGE:$GITHUB_SHA"
# Set up kustomize
- name: Set up Kustomize
run: |-
curl -sfLo kustomize https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/releases/download/v3.1.0/kustomize_3.1.0_linux_amd64
chmod u+x ./kustomize
# Deploy the Docker image to the GKE cluster
- name: Deploy
run: |-
./kustomize edit set image gcr.io/PROJECT_ID/IMAGE:TAG=gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/$IMAGE:$GITHUB_SHA
./kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl rollout status deployment/$DEPLOYMENT_NAME
kubectl get services -o wide
- For the full starter workflow, see the "Build and Deploy to GKE" workflow.
- 有关更多入门工作流程和随附代码,请参阅 Google 的 GitHub Actions 示例工作流程。
- Kubernetes YAML 定制引擎:Kustomize。
- Google Kubernetes Engine 文档中的“部署容器化的 web 应用程序”。