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L’API REST est maintenant versionnée. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « À propos des versions de l’API ».

Points de terminaison d’API REST pour les flux

Utilisez l’API REST pour interagir avec les flux GitHub.

Get feeds

Lists the feeds available to the authenticated user. The response provides a URL for each feed. You can then get a specific feed by sending a request to one of the feed URLs.

  • Timeline: The GitHub Enterprise Cloud global public timeline
  • User: The public timeline for any user, using uri_template. For more information, see "Hypermedia."
  • Current user public: The public timeline for the authenticated user
  • Current user: The private timeline for the authenticated user
  • Current user actor: The private timeline for activity created by the authenticated user
  • Current user organizations: The private timeline for the organizations the authenticated user is a member of.
  • Security advisories: A collection of public announcements that provide information about security-related vulnerabilities in software on GitHub Enterprise Cloud.

By default, timeline resources are returned in JSON. You can specify the application/atom+xml type in the Accept header to return timeline resources in Atom format. For more information, see "Media types."


Private feeds are only returned when authenticating via Basic Auth since current feed URIs use the older, non revocable auth tokens.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Get feeds »

Ce point de terminaison fonctionne avec les types de jetons précis suivants:

Le jeton précis ne nécessite aucune autorisation.

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Get feeds »

Code d’étatDescription


Exemples de code pour « Get feeds »

If you access GitHub at, replace with your enterprise's dedicated subdomain at

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \


Status: 200
{ "timeline_url": "", "user_url": "{user}", "current_user_public_url": "", "current_user_url": "", "current_user_actor_url": "", "current_user_organization_url": "", "current_user_organization_urls": [ "" ], "security_advisories_url": "", "_links": { "timeline": { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, "user": { "href": "{user}", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, "current_user_public": { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, "current_user": { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, "current_user_actor": { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, "current_user_organization": { "href": "", "type": "" }, "current_user_organizations": [ { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" } ], "security_advisories": { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" } } }