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This version of GitHub Enterprise Server will be discontinued on 2025-04-03. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise Server. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Network ports

Open network ports selectively based on the network services you need to expose for administrators, end users, and email support.

Administrative ports

Some administrative ports are required to configure your GitHub Enterprise Server instance and run certain features. Administrative ports are not required for basic application use by end users.

8443HTTPSSecure web-based Management Console. Required for basic installation and configuration.
8080HTTPPlain-text web-based Management Console. Not required unless TLS is disabled manually.
122SSHShell access for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. Required to be open to incoming connections between all nodes in a high availability configuration. The default SSH port (22) is dedicated to Git and SSH application network traffic.
1194/UDPVPNSecure replication network tunnel in high availability configuration. Required to be open for communication between all nodes in the configuration.
123/UDPNTPRequired for time protocol operation.
161/UDPSNMPRequired for network monitoring protocol operation.
9103/TCPHTTPRequired for future support of Prometheus scraping.

Application ports for end users

Application ports provide web application and Git access for end users.

443HTTPSAccess to the web application and Git over HTTPS.
80HTTPAccess to the web application. All requests are redirected to the HTTPS port if TLS is configured.
22SSHAccess to Git over SSH. Supports clone, fetch, and push operations to public and private repositories.
9418GitGit protocol port supports clone and fetch operations to public repositories with unencrypted network communication. If you have enabled private mode on your instance, then opening this port is only required if you also enabled anonymous Git read access. For more information, see Enforcing repository management policies in your enterprise.


When terminating HTTPS connections on a load balancer, the requests from the load balancer to GitHub Enterprise Server also need to use HTTPS. Downgrading the connection to HTTP is not supported.

Email ports

Email ports must be accessible directly or via relay for inbound email support for end users.

25SMTPSupport for SMTP with encryption (STARTTLS).

GitHub Actions ports

GitHub Actions ports must be accessible for self-hosted runners to connect to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. For more information, see About self-hosted runners.

443HTTPSSelf-hosted runners connect to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to receive job assignments and to download new versions of the runner application. Required if TLS is configured.
80HTTPSelf-hosted runners connect to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to receive job assignments and to download new versions of the runner application. Required if TLS is not configured.

If you enable automatic access to actions, GitHub Actions will always search for an action on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance first, via these ports, before checking For more information, see Enabling automatic access to actions using GitHub Connect.

GitHub Connect ports

If you enable GitHub Connect, the connection between GitHub Enterprise Server and uses HTTPS over ports 443 or 80, and TLS is required. For more information, see About GitHub Connect.

Further reading