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This version of GitHub Enterprise Server will be discontinued on 2025-04-03. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise Server. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Permission levels for a personal account repository

A repository owned by a personal account has two permission levels: the repository owner and collaborators.

About permissions levels for a personal account repository

Repositories owned by personal accounts have one owner. Ownership permissions can't be shared with another personal account.

You can also add users to your repository as collaborators. For more information, see Inviting collaborators to a personal repository.


If you require more granular access to a repository owned by your personal account, consider transferring the repository to an organization. For more information, see Transferring a repository.

Owner access for a repository owned by a personal account

The repository owner has full control of the repository. In addition to the actions that any collaborator can perform, the repository owner can perform the following actions.

ActionMore information
Add collaboratorsInviting collaborators to a personal repository
Change the visibility of the repositorySetting repository visibility
Rename a branch, including the default branchRenaming a branch
Merge a pull request on a protected branch, even if there are no approving reviewsAbout protected branches
Delete the repositoryDeleting a repository
Manage the repository's topicsClassifying your repository with topics
Delete and restore packagesDeleting and restoring a package
Customize the repository's social media previewCustomizing your repository's social media preview
Create a template from the repositoryCreating a template repository
Control access to Dependabot alertsManaging security and analysis settings for your repository
Define code owners for the repositoryAbout code owners
Archive the repositoryArchiving repositories
Allow or disallow auto-merge for pull requestsManaging auto-merge for pull requests in your repository
Manage deploy keysManaging deploy keys
Manage webhooksAbout webhooks

Collaborator access for a repository owned by a personal account

Collaborators on a personal repository can pull (read) the contents of the repository and push (write) changes to the repository.


In a private repository, repository owners can only grant write access to collaborators. Collaborators can't have read-only access to repositories owned by a personal account.

Collaborators can also perform the following actions.

ActionMore information
Fork the repositoryAbout forks
Rename a branch other than the default branchRenaming a branch
Create, edit, and delete comments on commits, pull requests, and issues in the repository
Create, assign, close, and re-open issues in the repositoryGitHub Issues documentation
Manage labels for issues and pull requests in the repositoryManaging labels
Manage milestones for issues and pull requests in the repositoryCreating and editing milestones for issues and pull requests
Mark an issue or pull request in the repository as a duplicateMarking issues or pull requests as a duplicate
Create, merge, and close pull requests in the repositoryProposing changes to your work with pull requests
Enable and disable auto-merge for a pull requestAutomatically merging a pull request
Apply suggested changes to pull requests in the repositoryIncorporating feedback in your pull request
Create a pull request from a fork of the repositoryCreating a pull request from a fork
Submit a review on a pull request that affects the mergeability of the pull requestReviewing proposed changes in a pull request
Create and edit a wiki for the repositoryAbout wikis
Create and edit releases for the repositoryManaging releases in a repository
Act as a code owner for the repositoryAbout code owners
Remove themselves as collaborators on the repositoryRemoving yourself from a collaborator's repository

Further reading