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Managing licenses for your account

Learn how to add licenses to your enterprise account using the new billing platform.

Who can use this feature?

Enterprise owners, organization owners, and billing managers


If you pay by invoice, you need to contact your account manager in GitHub's Sales team to add licenses to your enterprise account.

If you have access to the new billing platform, you can add licenses to your account through the "Licensing" page. To check if you have access, see About the new billing platform

  1. In the top-right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo.
  2. Depending on your environment, click Your enterprise, or click Your enterprises then click the enterprise you want to view.
  3. On the left side of the page, in the enterprise account sidebar, click Settings.
  4. On the left side of the page, in the enterprise account sidebar, click Billing & Licensing.
  5. Click Licensing.
  6. Click and then click Manage licenses.
  7. Under "Total licenses", enter a number of licenses.
  8. Click Update licenses.