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Using the enhanced billing platform for enterprises

The enhanced billing platform offers better spending control and detailed visibility to help you understand your usage with more granular controls.

Who can use this feature?

The enhanced billing platform is available to all enterprise accounts, and organizations owned by enterprise accounts, created after June 2, 2024. Enterprises that participated in the beta program also have access to the enhanced billing platform.

About the enhanced billing platform for enterprises

This article explores the billing platform's key functionalities, and how it can help you manage your spending more effectively.

Getting started with the enhanced billing platform

Learn how to start using the enhanced billing platform for your enterprise account.

About the billing cycle

Learn about the billing cycle for the enhanced billing platform.

About usage-based billing for licenses

Learn about usage-based billing for your enterprise licenses, whether you pay through GitHub or Azure.

Adding seats to your enterprise account

Learn how to add seats to your enterprise account using the enhanced billing platform.

Roles for the enhanced billing platform

Learn about the three different roles that have access to the enhanced billing platform.

Estimating spending for your enterprise

Understand where your spending is trending based on the usage across products.

Gathering insights on your spending

Get insights into the usage of your enterprise members.

Charging business units

Learn how to create and use cost centers to manage business units at scale.

Preventing overspending

Learn how to set budgets and track when they are nearing or above a threshold to prevent overspending.

Managing your payment and billing information

Learn how to manage your payment information and history, and update your billing contacts.

About enhanced billing for Git Large File Storage

Learn about billing for Git Large File Storage.